The Path of Ashes - Chapter 1
I was inspired after reading several books of post-apocalyptic literature, most notably the road by cormac maccarthy (go read it. it's both sad and beautiful at the same time. if you get to the end without crying then, well, you're a mutant.
Gotta Love That Bomber
Gotta Love That Bomber It was the best standoff I had ever been a part of. Ten people were standing behind me with guns drawn, pointed at the heart of one little pus-bag who cringed in the corner of his bathroom, his rodent eyes wide with terror,...
All of the ideas we had had were lost in the waves (An alien world)
All of the ideas we had had were lost in the waves and the sands of the alien deserts. In the "Tomb of the Great Cats" there was only a strange surreal solitude. The craggy cliffs above the distant catacombs below and the narrow, dusty,...
The Change, part 1
Something I've been working on for a little while, now. It's set in Lithuania because... Well, because. Assume the characters to be speaking Russian, and this is just kind of translated for us. The city was quiet, but for the odd shout from...
Chronicles of the Storm: Prologue
The end of the world began with overcast clouds that crept across the skies. It wouldn't have seemed out of the ordinary if it hadn't happened world wide. Weather and wind currents remained the same under the dull gray skies and no explanation could be...
Winterfall - Chapter One - Storm Front
**CHAPTER ONE** **Storm Front** 46 YEARS LATER Mornings always came too early for Joe's liking. With every sunrise it seemed to get harder to haul his bones out of bed, or...
A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 44: Beneath
In the golden evening sun, the ground was covered in masses of the living. It was crowded, more crowded than I remembered furs could get. Weeks around so few had me staring at the mass of furs the bus rolled past. Tents, tarps, and scrap wood housed...
DEAD ENDERS Ep 1: Boomer's Breakfast
Join in and have a gander at the pleasures and terrors, twists and turns, dramas and revela-tions, of the lives of the extraordinary people trapped in the post apocalyptic future of dead enders. boomer roo woke up in her flat 11 am.
The Lion and the Mouse
It's based on the classic aesop's fable, but with anthrofied characters and set in a post-apocalyptic world. more specifically, in the 'world we live in' setting.
Born Anew: Chapter 2
This was a fairly quick chapter, more for the sake of making progress than anything, but I'm decently happy with the result. Once again though, if you'd like to make comments or voice your opinion, feel free to do so in the comments below. Thanks....
Born Anew: Prologue/Chapter 1
Hmm. Most of my indents on my paragraphs were butchered on the journey over, but oh well. I've finally posted the first chapter of the story I've been working on. The first bit is actually an edited version of the original from two years ago. I...
After the Bombs
Nikkita panted and wiped the sweat from her forehead, grinning widely. She had just succeeded in prying open the doors to what was once a grocery store, the firmly shut doors promising that no other scavengers had accessed the potential bounty of food...