This tall, stately bat with eyes of flaming gold seems to hold half the palace in his thrall, while the other half hate and fear him.
Here, tryk felt he had the advantage of the bat.
The trap cave
The small dragon-bat, in full darkness, rubbed his tail more faster and suddenly the enormous black dragon starts to wanting to sneeze.
Night of Latex
The bat slowly pulled out her equipment, then hugged the bat to her chest. " you were wonderful... we'll have to do this again sometime won't we? " with that, the bat laid her head atop a pillow on the bed,
Midnight Assassin or Lover?
The bat this time broke the kiss, catch her breath this time. merek smiled and chuckled, still asleep. but the female bat thought for sure he was awake by now. and she blushed at the thought that he knew she was there the whole time.
Hewlett\'s Taskings
The female bat was lucky enough to switch from a nocturnal clock to one that was friendlier to her clientele.
Our Waltzing Days
You're a bat-mouse." "mouse-bat," field playfully countered. "bat-mouse." "mouse-bat." "bat-mouse." "akira," field said, in his airy, wispy voice. "you wanna be called a mouse-bat, or a bat-mouse, mm? mm?
Scotch Pine
And the bat paused for a moment. breathing. slightly fiddling with his ears. even giving, now and then, a tiny tug at his whiskers. just to hear him squeak. just to be able to hear that.
Ryan, kangourou artiste
Voilà, je me jette à l'eau, j'essaye (de toute façon, peu de personnes vont lire cette histoire, elle est en français! :-) Ca fait un certain temps déjà que je voulais écrire quelque chose, je pensais d'ailleurs le faire en Anglais Mais ce qui m'a...
Bon Hiver
"oh ... " "i think it can be arranged," the bat said quietly, "for us to do that." a sharp smile. "little bit later." "i could do with a nibble. or two." "i get to nibble first," the bat said, with mock-possessiveness.
Hoosier Tomatoes
The bat blinked. "you, uh ... you're thinking about squeaks," he guessed. able, through their bond, their link, to read the basics of her mind.
The bat, herself, had a much shorter tail. stubbier, and rudder-like (for steering during flight). and hers had soft, pink fur on it.