truth about Michael's fellings
(in arms). 15) finish what has to be done. 16) brake my chains and fly free. 17) see only light.
Confession *WIP*
So i turned to my brothers-in-arms. they needed me, they wanted me."
Brighter Later prolugue
#2 of brighter later **prologue** he stood in a dark room clutching a pistol to his side and seven dog-tags still caked with dirt and the long faded crimson stains of his family. . . . his brothers in arms.
Last To Die
in arms leading the fight let us make our country proud side by side we'll push the line to the death if need be no soldier will be left behind that is our duty, our creed stand and fight it doesn't really matter for we will find you
War...War Never Ends...
. \* a young soldier threw himself over the mortar, valiantly sacrificing himself, to save the lives of his brothers in arms; it exploded, the white hot shrapnel flying in all directions - and more were cut down by the flying chunks of searing hot
CH7 Escape Under the Blood Moon
_now, i may just have to kill my own brothers in arms,_ bryce thought gravely, adjusting the blade that hung from his waist. the plan bryce crafted was risky. people would even call it foolhardy.
A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 6-A Day Alone
Retried marines john alex mason,friend hudson james weaver and brother issac tyler mason,have stepped back into the corps to rescue their fellow marine and brother in arms wyatt nolan clarke. the friends are overjoyed to get the team back together.
Knights of Taliber
The kngiht shouted with rage seathing into his voice. his brother in arms to his right took off his helmet and got off his horse kneeling, "hail my leige." said the knight who was kneeling.
A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 3-Final Moments
Marine, john alex mason, friend hudson james weaver and brother issac tyler mason, are on a desperate mission to rescue their fellow marine and brother in arms wyatt nolan clarke.
A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 2-The Procedure
Retried marines john alex mason,friend hudson james weaver and brother issac tyler mason,have stepped back into the corps to rescue their fellow marine and brother in arms wyatt nolan clarke. the friends are overjoyed to get the team back together.
The Famer part two
They followed the wolf into the kitchen where he asked them to place their brother in arms onto the table that adorned the middle of the room. as they did. the elder lions said, " i am tano son of tanil of the kaddock clan." tano said with pride.
The Squire (Prologue)
As he got closer to where the camp had been, he saw what had become of his friends and brothers-in-arms. every knight was slain, swords broken in two, their shields and armor cloven. a dreadful sight for the fourteen year old fox.