Shady Impressions: Shady Impressions: Villains, Violence, and Various Errands #3

**Chapter 14** Streams of sunshine poured through a window and danced across Russo's face as he lay in bed. His eyes flittered open from the sun's advances. The day was young and it looked to be a promising and beautiful fall day full of whimsy and...

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Shady Impressions: Shady Impressions: Villains, Violence, and Various Errands #2

**Chapter 13** The black and orange armored one slowly treaded down the path that Russo and Jem had traveled days before, his heavy boots leaving noticeable impressions in the earth. The sun had been shining brightly here in this part of the...

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Shady Impressions: Shady Impressions: Villains, Violence, and Various Errands #5

**Chapter 16** The collie strained his eyes in the fading light and could see the faint inky stains of dried blood on the wagon's wreckage. Compounding that was the fact that the cargo the wagon was carrying, a shipment of food, tobacco, and gold...

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Shady Impressions: Shady Impressions: Villains, Violence, and Various Errands #4

**Chapter 15** "Not a word of what happened in that forest is to be mentioned to the master, alright Dax?" Russo demanded of the wolf as soon as they used the funds so generously provided by the mimic to buy as much salt, sugar, pepper, and cinnamon...

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The Spy That Was

**Chapter 3** **The Spy That Was** (Everyone managed to get to the third floor of the building when the tidal waves came and soaked the base. The first and second floor were flooded in and with the electrical outputs, getting out won't be easy...

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Traitors Among Us

**Chapter 4** **Traitors Among Us** Shadow: Where is he now? Blaze: I don't know...I got several bruises and cuts because of him...but they're not that serious... Bernard: we have to find the traitor and kill him... Shadow: ......Fan...

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beat me

I'll start with generic, vaguely accurate stereotypes to give you some broad sense of who we are. I doubt you care for specifics. If you do, you'll have to figure it out on your own. I'm an opossum. I'm a girl. As you'd expect of an opossum...

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H.I.B.A.S Chapter 5

So it Begins _"The adrenaline rush that_ _battle gives you is like no_ _other."_ - Rodgers (Foxtrot 2) In the town of Broomall, a fierce battle has been sparked. It will decide the fate of southwestern Pennsylvania; if it is lost it opens the door...

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Brave new world prologue: seeds of destruction

Brave new world Prologue: seeds of destruction The peace treaties that officially brought ww1 to a bitter end contained many of the seeds of a larger conflict that raged from 1939-45. Germany lost its great empire, had east Prussia cut off by...

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The First Warning Part 2

Act 7: Fuck Marshal I'm tired... but I gotta make sure I to get that bitch to me and give her some good old fashioned beatings. These woods are all too what I wanted it to be... a good place for booby traps. Setting up the razor...

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Intro to H.I.B.A.S

Book One: How I Became a Soldier Introduction _\*muffled screaming\*_ _He gets up off his bed, grabbing his Glock. He found it in while urban exploring in Philadelphia some time ago._ _"Shit, shit, shit, shit! If that motherfucker touches her again...

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