FFTA:FC Chapter 3

"they were racist fuckers, never let a single nu mou in the clan. ergo, i was the only one who could read the symbols." "i kept that up for five months, give or take.

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My Sword, My Clan 19 - His Darkest Hour

Fayne turned back towards mariel as he heard his brother's voice, suddenly finding baldwin stood between both him and the old nu-mou matron.

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My Sword, My Clan 35 - My Friends United

The old nu-mou had already passed her by mysterious ways, suddenly appearing before fayne in the private infirmary.

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Moogle Springs

Cornell turned his sight to mia again "thank you, madam" making the nu mou manager blush slightly "it's alright, lad.

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My Sword, My Clan 22 - Our Infiltration

They exchanged hands briefly as jane handed the nu-mou a bag of seeds.

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My Sword, My Clan 36 - My Final Fantasy

The nu-mou turned towards him as she looked over him cautiously, peering into his eyes as they trailed following her finger in front of them.

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My Sword, My Clan 32 - My One True Love

She then took out from her shirt a large heart-shaped locket, oddly light but the size of a fist as she showed it to the nu-mou.

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My Sword, My Clan 25 - My First Case

They looked round briefly seeing no familiar nu-mou to them as baldwin rubbed his neck nervously, feeling somewhat out of place more than usual.

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My Sword, My Clan 20 - Her Blood-Sin

The nu-mou closed the book, walking over towards the two brothers as she placed a hand upon each head, stroking lovingly.

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FFTA:FC Chapter 1

Alex turned around to the source of the yell, a hunter with a nu mou sage. "yeah. need help puttin' out the barbecue?" "no," the caster said calmly, "we can douse these flames. but we need you to follow that renegade.

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My Sword, My Clan 04 - My Wallet

James was enjoying the life of the city, the fair ongoing as the nu-mou lead him to various stalls that she knew quite well, mainly concerning staffs and robes and accessories.

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