
Even if the sun faded or the sky cracked, or even if the earth shook with such a crushing rage, I will always be with you. From every shattered bone to broken hearts, I would stand side by side with you. So who cares about the worlds trivial...

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the pride of my life is greater than the pride of you thinking you are right. no matter how much it hurts...i will not be belittled by you. i stand here not just for me but for all who are like me.

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"Tell me what you see." The little girl looked at herself in the mirror and sighed irritably. Same old wolf. The short brown hair with the little green-dyed flecks on the ends, the brown face framing large green eyes and glasses. She rubbed a paw...

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Clear Minds Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Sora: Thoughts The Sun was settling down below the horizon and the chilling wind started to seep into my bones. Walking home from school today was the weirdest thing I've had to face in my life. I kept thinking to myself it was just a...

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I Love You: A New 'Father Of The Pride' Story

God bless 'father of the pride.' it's a shame what happened to the show, and siegfried and roy.

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Under the blood moon- Pride, it's a sin you know

Sorry guys it's been awhile but my house was broken into recently and it took me awhile to get a new computer though it still ins't mine so ya but I hope to get in as many stories as i...

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Resolutions - Part 6 - June

Resolutions (Part 6) June: Pride and Joy By Al Song June 28th, 2015 Before my mom left for Manhattan I spent the past month taking the bus to visit her in Kenville each weekend. Sometimes Nathan would tag along with us so I could spend time with...

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Kitty Ch. 4

Chapter 4 The Past. Jessica woke up early the next morning, because she had just experienced a terrible nightmare. She turned around in the bed and kissed James good-morning. "My my. Why are you up this early my dear?" James asked, kissing...

Kitty Ch. 3

Chapter 3 The New World. Kira stepped away from the portal's entrance and looked around. Everything was so new to her, and she had no clue of where to go next. She looked behind her and saw that the portal was still open for a few seconds...

Kitty Ch. 2

Chapter 2 The Kidnapping. "Today's news brings up a very serious report. There have been reports of a human girl sighted in the town. She was last seen yesterday in an alley near Parker Street wearing a pink collar." Kira looked terrified...

Kitty. Ch.1

Chapter 1 Kitty. "The police are still looking for a young cat girl of 18 years. She was last seen in black clothing, two diamond earrings and a pink collar. She has been missing for four days now, and they have no idea of her whereabouts. If...

Personal Pride

"Guess where we are" Stefan said. Garret sighed. He allowed the possum to put his paws over his eyes while Tabby drove them to the parade. Gail giggled to their side. "Guess we arrived, then" Garret said, playing the bit. "Just parking"...

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