Wolves of the Beyond

It didn't take me long to fall asleep in the train. I don't know how I did it when the steel floors and with all of the cargo that was in the car; it was uncomfortable for me but I managed. I remember leaning against the open door of the car as I was...

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How long has it been? 3 years? I think so. Man, how time flies when you're having fun planning an escape from this place that was once call hell. It was better when you were discussing it with friends. Sly, Shadow, and Python acted like my bodyguards....

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I don't remember anything after I had passed out, only to awaken to a major sting in my side. I shouted out in pain as I sat up and looked to see my sister. "Galena?" I asked looking a bit confused. "Well, good morning to you, too," she replied....

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The War

Another year of intense training went by in the blink of an eye. In this short year, I could feel myself getting stronger by the minute. I was even strong enough to not only lift up boulders that were 10 times my size, but I could also lift up my...

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Child's Play

At my age now, I went through some pretty cool training with my father. He taught me the basics of things: Speed, Combat, anything that'll help me in the future. He even showed me how to use weapons. I was a natural with a dagger. I wanted a sword...

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Brother's Curse

During the times when I was growing up, I was born and raised in a small, peaceful town called "Hawktown". This city was consisted of everything imaginable. It is a "free society". It has its dragons, wolves, pretty much anything mammal related. It has...


Rising Downfall -Preview-

I was stranded...no food...no water... I had to find shelter soon, or I'm not going to make it. I have taken a bullet to my side and it still hurts. I managed to stop the bleeding by finding an old rag in the plane crash. I've been wondering around...


The Dragon's Slave

Our story kicks off with a 16-year-old boy named Joey Stallion who seemed to be fansinated by dragons. Everyday in school he would talk about them, saying stuff like they're real. And everytime he'd even mention them, he would get slapped in the face....

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How It All Began

This starts off with a 16-year-old boy named Trey Knowles. He's dark skinned, black, and wears a black jacket with a red shirt with black jeans and shoes. He likes to participate in many sports and activities at his school and has made many friends,...

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