On-Again, Off-Again [Subscriber Reward]
Jade stays boner-brained until well after we're back on track. her arousal goes down on its own, and i can see her brain gradually reactivating. but i know that's not gonna last.
Fem Them: The Third Round (TF Male>Tgirl, Non Furry)
I tried to think, i remembered not wanting any of this when i went on the show, but all that brain washing had started to change my mind.
Red Leather Collar
It started out simple enough. Something happened, I think some fur bit a senator or something? I honestly don't pay much attention to the news, but it set off a chain of events that lead to where I am now. "Pet-person" That was what they...
Dr. Shadow's Creation Chapter: 4 Reprogrammed
-lobe's brain wash- lobe: next. shadow: hello my um cousin sonic needs to be brain washed to join the army in the future lobe: he looked young. shadow: he's very demanding sonic:\*in a cloak\*....
Brain Power part 2
#2 of brain power the second part of my series brain power. this one has male on herm so you've been warned. feel free to tell me my mistakes as i know my grammar is horrendous. warning contains male on herm. kale woke to darkness.
Brain power part 3
#3 of brain power woo fucking hoo its finally finished. i am planning to continue this story but im unsure how long it will be before i continue.
tigers on the brain part 9
#10 of tigers on the brain hey srry for the long wait, i wasn't in the mood to write latly but im up to it now. im running a bit low on idea's, so if you have any don't be afraid of pming me.
tigers on the brain part 8
#9 of tigers on the brain same thing gay stuff, etc. decided to do the surprise next chapter.
tigers on the brain part 7
#8 of tigers on the brain same stuff as the others chapters, gay stuff, slight nudity, also two characters are not mine, they belong to komatose, leave comments plzz....
tigers on the brain part 2
#3 of tigers on the brain i was about to go through the door just when "will gale hart please come to the main office" damm, just by that much.
tigers on the brain part 3
#4 of tigers on the brain okay so this is my third chapter. i forgot to mention that throughout the story i'll give you little flash backs of the characters past for you won't get confused.
tigers on the brain part 4
#5 of tigers on the brain again, this story will have random fill in, not that good of a story etc.... also i will get into more detail of the characters in this chapter.