Ch 6 Mistaken Identity Part 1

She announced before saying "he was experimented on by scientists on the pay roll of the electus... the experimentation allowed him to see great distances as well as a perfectly aim any projectile or energy based weapon and make any and all calculations needed

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Shadow of a Freelancer Ch 19.) Broken Lucidity

Well at least the chances of it being an outcast, electus or i.f.h.w. ship are low. we have pirates!" rrahkarr said as he grabbed hold of the flight controls and tried to pick up speed and distance themselves from the enemy ship. "fuck... pirates?

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Shadow of a Freelancer Ch 18.) Freedom

That what allowed her to do what she did was from the genetic tampering the electus had done to their ancestor tro'nen.

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Shadow of a Freelancer Ch 15.) The Long Road

He figured patrick had to return to the electus and continue in the war between the i.f.h.w (independent. free. human. worlds) and the a.t.w.f (allied. trade. worlds, federation). as of right now, he knew nothing of who was winning or losing.

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