How to Enter Dragon Heaven - The Initiate

Daniel continued to sit at the bus stop, watching as the rubber dragon who introduced himself as Shawn left. Once he was gone he fished out the card once again and looked at it, seeing the stylized letters on it as he ran his fingers over it. As much...

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Non-Traditional Clothing (2/3)

When Kevin awoke it was with a gasp, and for a second he thought he was still in the dream as he felt his face and could only sense the touch of latex against his skin in the darkness. He fumbled for the light and when he was able to turn it on the...

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Klo's Pervy Dungeon #3: Floor Traps of Perilous Encasement

Floor traps of perilous encasement in addition to normal pit traps such as pools of ooze or quicksand, many spellcasters employ more magical means in order to ensnare those who would attempt to invade their personal domain.

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Maggie the Donkey

Maggie the Donkey By Laeron Inkheart On an seemingly normal day there was a woman hidden away inside her house. An incredibly smart woman that managed to unlock the secrets of splicing magic and science together. Her obsession with the weird...

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Secrets in Storage

Anna had never really connected with her paternal grandparents in her childhood, it was only on reaching her late teens that she'd started to appreciate them. When she'd had a falling out some time later with her parents and moved off on her own, it...

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Survival of the Fittest - The Orientation Party

Survival of the Fittest - The Orientation Party It was late evening inside the grand hall of the estate that sat perched on a cliff that overlooked the ocean's edge, the Grand Hall illuminated by the orange rays of the setting sun as lights were...

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Return to the Caves

He bent down to caresss against the panthers cheek, stroking the slick oily rubber before leaning more forward to bite through the encasement around the neck, puncturing into his captives neck.

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All Dolled Up

His hands were still encased in rubber mittens that held his fingers fast to one another, and allowed no real play in the joints other than a gentle curve of the digits.

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Extra Days: Deleted Scenes

This was how the encasement scene went before i invented polyisoevaprene. still waiting on that nobel prize... anyway, enough of my shenanigans, time for some of eva's!_ eva nudged kevin's new addition with her nose.

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Barely noticeable movement beneath him made him remember his companion, and he rolled his eyes downward to see her trapped and also thoroughly encased beneath him.

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Clear Jell 5

The Clear Jell Part 5 By Furstrated Videl was a meek little dormouse whose task was to go up to talk with the occupant of the penthouse. Her father was the Inn manager and in an attempted to teach his daughter a...

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Making a Maid

More and more, it felt the real cinua was being encased and sealed away, given a new skin of some airheaded vixen. he was cinua, damnit! "busty girl. these are sure to stop the other gang from picking up on the fact that you were ever a man.

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