chapter 13 : fight

If i trip myself or hurt myself as i ran than i was out of island's dense tree's . now i was on the shore of beach, i felt the night time beeze aginst my soft fur.

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chapter 11 : fishing and dinner

After doing it and finally happy with my work, i went to shore of the island. try my hand at the fishing thing, with light brown wooden fishing pole .

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chapter 8:

Last time was on the outside of the woods, was little i think when i came to this island. i had heard roo, close by watching me study the yellow ground i had seen.

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He stretched out, and ran around the island a bit. he found that it wasn't so small after all. he also discovered a few smaller islands in the distance. he explored for hours. exhausted, he went home, and his head was hurting and he was dizzy.

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Tales of the Wave Rider, Vol 1: Splintered Light, Epilogue

Whether on the battlefield, at a meeting table-- or on the shoreline of an unexplored island.

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Island adventure CYOA 1 (Illustrated

#1 of island cyoa hey, i'm writing a cyoa story! after reading the illustrated chapter above, which was illustrated by kan12, comment with what you think should happen next. also, kan12 is writing his own cyoa story.

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Prologue: The Games (The story is heavily based on the book Hunger Games)

All it was were 14 islands... 13 smaller islands surrounding a bigger island... here, pokemon lived there lives quite peacfully, until... he came...

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Paradise Part 1

He saw very quickly the islands eye candy. shapley and graceful women wearing swimsuits around the island. he caught himself staring at a few particularly fetching young women.

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chapter 16 - dinner, fight with roo

And why would you ever want to leave this island is perfect... we have food water, company". "well i don't want that... i want excitement i want to travel, explore and see the outside world, leave this island".

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chapter 15 - there like us

Where the other islanders i call them, drinking from fresh water creek that travels through the island.

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chapter 12

You could see all the lush green grass and plant's, such as the thick and lush green tree's. that is around the island and you could even see all all sides of the island.

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