I'm a what? (chapter 1)

Suddenly mariel's teasings seemed nothing compared to what people might say about him. when footsteps entered the bathroom he cringed in terror, fighting to keep his breathing under control.

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My Sword, My Clan 24 - His Brother's Fears

"mother mariel taught usszh it, it isszh a resszhipe made in particular for thosszhe on long journeysszh of a more nutrisszhional value."

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My Sword, My Clan 08 - My Fearful Forest Folly

"mister james told me about it, he heard it from mother mariel.

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My Sword, My Clan 32 - My One True Love

Madame mariel gave us permission to land here anytime we wanted as uh something of our own headquarters. or rather your headquarters."

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Twist Ending

The little mermaid didn't tell one thing to you after the ending of the last movie: mermaids ceased to exist because of that slut mariel (something among those lines). star wars is gonna be awesome. it's owned by disney now.

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My Sword, My Clan 23 - My Captain's Regrets

That means i know how long i've got until we can fix this, mother mariel has it all sorted she can figure something out.

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210 Her Old Photographs

Teases mariel. "in case anyone is wondering, this was on a very cold morning just after dawn, when one of my buddies managed to drunkenly drive his jump bike off an old and mostly abandoned wharf. i had also had a few, as indeed had everyone else.

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Of Warlords and Pleasures: Urgan Nagru, the Foxwolf

The next day, nagru was at it again, firing arrows into the roof of the little room where dandin, mariel, gael squirrelking, meldrum, and the butcher bird glokkpod crouched, hurling tiles and shouting insults at the vermin.

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085 On The Fabulous Riverboat

Lelana and mariel are also absent for extended lengths of time, and seem well enriched in the local currency, but it would be impolite to question their affairs.

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My Sword, My Clan 21 - My Nemesis

Besides we already took a front payment from mother mariel for our mission." "but she at least told us what it was."

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The Dish Revenge

His father's words ringing in his ears "they would only be a hindrance mariel! we need speed if we are to make a difference!" were they really just a hindrance to the elven warrior?

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