(btw, i should note that fenris and tor are two fictional god names that i took from a book, though fenris i assume was inspired by the actual god fenrir in norse mythology (google that, he's freakin' sweet!!!))
The Kataran Account of Creation
Inspired by listening to abraham-hicks, combined with some greek and norse creation myths, here is the kataran account of creation. long ago, 36 beings sent their consciousness forth into this realm, giving rise to our universe.
Fundamentals of Furry (Part 3)
Wolves are represented as norse gods, protectors of the harvest, and in some cases, as an integral part of human society.
Devourer of Worlds
A poem inspired by norse mythology and my own personal musings. devourer of worlds _by: c. h. marlow_ blackest angle, fiery tempest, come unto me, for i wish to be free.
Raspberry Line Chapter 18
Rini came as frigg, norse goddess of the sky; she actually tuned her costume to goren's odin after having researched their relationship on the internet.
Chapter Six: Horizon
Chapter Six: Horizon It had taken several weeks to repair the damage caused by the fires Beyron and his men had inflicted, but with the valkyrie restoring their losses, there were nothing but minor wounds among the rest. The bastion of the...
Chapter Five: Look to the Sky
Chapter Five: Look to the Sky 1200 Years Ago Kaenis watched from the high walls with the other young pups, barely tall enough to peer over the stone battlements with wide, fearful blue eyes. All the adult Canai were either amassed at...
Chapter Four: Reflections
Chapter Four: Reflections Andulus watched alongside his knights as the pair of wolves rushed toward the seemingly endless horde of drakes, their numbers crashing into the Canai like waves upon stone. It was world altering to see such beings in...
Chapter Three: From Ashes
Chapter Three: From Ashes Kaenis closed the heavy oak door behind himself after entering the quarters of the king, unclasping his fur cloak to toss onto the rack nearby. The wolf strode over to join the man at a stone-slab table, tugging out a...
Canai Lore, Chaper Two: Chooser Of The Slain
I take from elements of norse mythology, a love of mine and many i know, but with some changes for my own world. another huge thanks to g.c.stargazer for being an inspiration to write at all, for the advice and editing to present the best story i can.
Canai Lore, Chapter One: Bonds
The world is heavily inspired by norse mythos, and explores it from two pov! i hope someone of you enjoy this side of me, i do love drawing art (especially the types i do x3), but writing has long been a passion of mine.
Kinktober—31 October 2019 (Tickling/Forced Orgasm)
Just as she fished out her textbook on norse mythology, a white flash of motion tore her out of her musical reverie.