Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 31

noble heart had to resort to banging a heart-shaped gavel on a similarly shaped spot to restore order. true heart smiled at her husband, "thank you.

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Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 30

Ooooo while everyone else was taking lunch in the hall of hearts, sage heart bear and life heart unicorn had gone to noble heart and true heart's house to eat with the other couple.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 32

Instead of heading home, love heart headed for noble heart and true heart's house. he stopped at the front door, not sure if he should knock or ring the doorbell just in case their twins were sleeping.


Care Bears Family Adventures: Book 2, Chapter 3

She dashed over to the phone behind take care's desk and rapidly dialed true and noble heart's home phone number. "hello? noble heart! is true heart there too? good... you have to come to take care's right away. it's love heart, he's come home.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 27

Cozy stared at her children, "noble heart and take care had to feed me mussshy food when i wasss a cub sssince i couldn't drink from a bottle." something clicked in cozy heart's mind and she turned to the nursery door, "i think i know.

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The End, of a Long and Bloody War.txt

heart, a white furdragoness with a soul pure like snow they helped him in his time of need, they helped him see the light and leave his shell behind "thank you fire.","for helping me see the light and help me live again."

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 26

I've been thinking about true heart and noble heart's retirement. i mean... they haven't been doing much to lead us for years but i always felt safe knowing i could ask them for help and now. i guess being a leader, being a father.



Marble lions have long served as the proud guardians of museums and official building everywhere, but although nagas also have a long history of serving as the noble-hearted guardians of temples and other official buildings as well, snakes are rarely if ever

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"shall i take you on this flight, dragonfriend of noble heart?" the dragon says. quessir climbs up the dragon's scales to get on his back, standing straight and holding onto the silver dragon's long frill. "take to the skies, great beast.

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Upon Deaf Ears

Striking the keys with a light touch, her beautiful playing could bring tears to those with noble hearts.

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Duel Monsters: Fate of Two Worlds Ch.1

Ark said, "a noble heart indeed, i will accept your request but i will not be handing out any punishment today. i wish to ask you to participate in a field exercise at the newly discovered ruins of the rainbow caste."

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The Royal Secret part 13: Patently Awkward

On the other hand, the king also knew that the boy had a kind and noble heart, his earnestness and unexpectedly diplomatic ability to garner the respect of the court proved that...but, his _mannerisms_...bloody hell.

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