Gravity Lift- Chapter 1: A good start
Now i had to train hard, i had to make my own extreme gear. i spend the all morning on the computers to design my extreme gear. after a small meal with meatballs and rice, i walk to an extreme gear shop and bought materials. darn, it is expensive.
Up To Date Records
When he checked out his hands it looked like rubber mitts had grown over them, but when he saw claws growing out of them his mind staggered as he realized it wasn't gear... he was transforming into a dog... a rubber dog... a rubber hound...
Handle With Care (5/5)
It wasn't the first time that serathin had ordered rubber gear, the hybrid already having collected a sizable collection that newlyn only knew a little about in his former life.
Chaos and Sarah's Wedding CLEAN VERSION
Fimp, gear, chaos's adopted mother karisma, karisma's husband rhode, karisma's mother silverstar, beast, jackie the cockerspainel, her boyfriend trent and so many others.
Social Acclimation
Two days had passed since Clyde had been taken to the boutique in order to get more accessories for his rubber pup form, which was what he had called it whenever he was in his Silver mindset. After they had left Cloudy's store Blue had taken him...
New Board (Wave the Swallow TF/TG)
She forgot everything about her old life, and only remembered herself as wave the swallow, the best extreme gear rider out there. she walked back into her garage to work on some new boards.
Nine Reindeer Playing
At first they thought that it was just from blitzen tightening the piece of gear only to look down and see that the leather reindeer had already started to prep the next piece. "it's actually happening..."
Well Behaved
The raccoon-pup did a couple circles on the floor as fast as he could in the gear. it took a lot of getting used to, walking around on his knees and elbows, but the padding helped enough.
Night of the Living Bondage Gear
Spread out on the floor and on the pool table was a mess of bondage gear, all sorts of things.
Fuck Me Ragged - "Gear."
**fuck me ragged** **part 3 - "gear."** the school's webpage loaded. finally. bob's modem was being a bitch on stilts. the fossa searched around and found the let-out times for the buses.
Adrenaline Rush - Shifting Gear
"i like you gear, not only for what you did with my car getting my transmission glitch fixed right before a race but you've also been a good friend.
Ch. 3 Gearing Up
Danny woke up o the bright sunlight leaking through the blinds of his apartment window. He covered his eyes with his paw soothing his hang over. He didn't want get up but it was either that or bear the sunlight. Reluctantly he sat up with a groan...