Bors - A Warmaster Jack Novella - Section 7

#7 of bors - a warmaster jack novella # bors ## a _warmaster jack_ novella ### by **onyx tao** #### section seven this text is made available under the [creative commons attribution noncommercial sharealike license](

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(tba) Section 2: Free: Chapter 8

I slouch back to sleep, still a million questions fighting to surface.confined: section 3: lost  12/15/15 kyle's perspective    "-but have them removed from my room!"   i felt a dagger go through my heart. h-he doesn't remember me.

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(tba) Section 2: Free: Chapter 9

The wind brushes through my fur and turns me around to view a vast field of grass and a cobblestone path leading to a section of the dense brush. i start walking, my mind racing on what i was going to tell kyle.

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(tba) Section 1: Confined: Chapter 3

Confined: Chapter 3   I see Chrom wave from his brother's truck, as I stand on my concrete porch. I wave and smile as he pulls out of the concrete driveway and goes to... Where is his house? I'm going to have to ask him that. With my tail wagging, I...

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(tba) Section 1: Confined: Chapter 2

Confined: Chapter 2   I can't believe it happened. I probably still won't believe half a year from now. I saw him first on the second day of 7th grade. He was in my class, but always in the back. He was pretty smart, and I still don't know why he sat...

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(tba) Section 2: Free: Chapter 5

We soon noticed that we had entered the bi section, due to a line of blue marble. we walked past the classes of girls and guys also studying for the test. we soon round the hallway to fin find a wide open space about as big as the gymnasium.

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(tba) Section 2: Free: Chapter 4

----next few days----section 2: free: chapter 4  i can't meet with chrom the next few days because it will raise suspicions, but i do text him. thursday, i'm shocked to hear the news that he actually convinced his mother to let him go to school there.

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(tba) Section 1: Confined: Chapter 1

New story part 1 section 1: confined: chapter 1    i sweep my legs over my bed and keep in the tears that had been waiting to escape. i flushed with anger, but, i was also overcome with sadness.

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(tba) Section 2: Free: Chapter 7

Free: Chapter 7   Monday: The First Day     Chrom's Perspective:       We walk up to the school with Kyle leaning against my shoulder. We had all of our differently colored books stacked upon eachother. We walk up to the clear door and see the horse...

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(tba) Section 2: Free: Chapter 6

 Part 2: Free: Chapter 6    We ride our bikes back through the slowly darkening woods at a more leisurely pace, and soon come across the large utopian school. It stood proud and gleaming in the sunset. Robin, the Bengal tiger, leads us inside at a...

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A Life Never Lived - Chapter 1 - Section 4

In this section we meet kes, and dylan. we also see just how much of a gatekeeper dylan really is. "honey, you missed dinner," jamie said as nyeusi came down into the basement.

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Wrong Bride, Right Groom (part 3, section 2)

This is my very first story series, and I would like it if you wouldn't mind giving me comments and constructive criticism at the bottom. All responses are welcome, fully appreciated, and will be taken into consideration for my next story. And you can...

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