Nila's Story 1: The Kind Sharptooth
Zeiran said, and the small sharptooth fell to the ground, looking completely exhausted. "so, it was her end." said jackel "well, you couldn't wait different from a sharptooth that don't kill to survive."
His Story part 3: Sharptooth Paradise
A small sharptooth walked towards them. it was a sickleclaw, a pack hunting sharptooth. from the sound of the voice, the sharptooth was a female. she had pretty blue eyes with claw-shaped pupils. she had a light yellow body with bold black stripes.
And then moved into position behind him and raised his arm and swung the belt forward, and it landed with a loud crack across the sharptooth's ass making him roar in agony.
Omnivorous - Part 2
They were locked together, which surprised and delighted the sharptooth. he hadn't known longnecks did that. the sharptooth allowed himself to rest as he relaxed against his mate.
Trust and Rescue
It was young because it was a long-skull sharptooth (an: daspletosaurus) and his species used to be around chomper's size when full-grow. around his tail there was a brooch with the symbol of a tree star with a sharptooth's tooth carved over it.
The Power of the Order
Another horned sharptooth tried to attack her, but she materialized a pink glowing crystal in her hand and throwned it in the sharptooth. as soon as it made contact the whole sharptooth was enveloped in pink light and disappeared in a flash.
Chapter Six: Petrie and Littlefoot
"me no have sharptooth close friend." replied petrie. "if you had a sharptooth flyer friend, then perhaps you'd see sharpteeth in a better light." replied littlefoot. "me not sure about that.
The Traitor and the Rebel
He was a bit tense since the sharptooth was awake now, but he relaxed when he remembered that the sharptooth's leg was badly damaged and it was doubtful he could stand up.
A Lucky Day
The spider hissed angrily as it let the leg go of the small sharptooth, and right after used it to slap hard in chomper's face, making him yelp and let out a tear due to the pain.
Freedom, Allies and Confrontation
It was a flyer sharptooth. chomper then looked better, and his eyes widened. the sharptooth had a dark brown hide and pallid beak, in the fingers of his right hand there was a ring with the symbol of the order.
New Allies and Not Too Late
The last thing she felt was the pain of the sharptooth biting her head down, then she felt no more. but now the sharptooth was gone, and she looked around, to find a group formed by both leaf eaters and sharpteeth.
The Second Spy
The red horned sharptooth walked alone towards the path where the other sharpteeth were hiding. at least the ones that survived, that is. there were still a whole lot of them.