
With precision the vixen hunted her snout in the folds of mandy's skirt, swiftly finding plump mist lips the skunk moaned through the grip this stranger had on her neck.

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Chapter 42 Strawberry Tarts

#43 of fox hunt don't hate me. (because, god, i love you) strawberry tarts chapter 42 evelyn sat up in bed, smiling as she nursed her tiny son, her white curls a mass around her shoulders, her gown pulled down to expose one heavy breast.

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Chapter 34 A Rock and a Hard Place

Because of his love for evelyn, the king had outlawed the fox hunt for quite some time. still . . . . of all the ways to earn the king's favor. . . . "i suppose i have no choice," charles said.

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Chapter 8: Robin's Wish

#8 of fox hunt 3: sword and stone robin's wish chapter 8 robin wasn't surprised to find her parents fighting and tearing each other's clothing off. it was standard behavior in howlester manor.

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#80 of fox hunt 2: the queen of varimore epilogue "that's a _terrible_story," zeinara complained when nkwe had finished speaking. nkwe's lips tightened impatiently, and he glared at her across the desk.

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Chapter 33 Red Like Wine

#33 of fox hunt 2: the queen of varimore red like wine chapter 33 it took corene a moment to realize she had been standing at the window in the corridor for far too long. but a black bird . . . . a black bird flew over the moon.

Chapter 5 The Elder’s Wish

#6 of fox hunt i should have said "i'll post five chapters, excluding the prologue." this is where i stop for now. once again, thanks for reading.

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Chapter 22 Can't Keep Me Away

#23 of fox hunt in case it isn't obvious (and i guess it isn't /shrug/) one of the themes of this story is that things are not always how they seem. dick seems like a monster. ukudlala seems like a sweet boy. the foxes seem like noble victims.

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Chapter 23 Honored Guest

#24 of fox hunt honored guest chapter 23 though the audience with the king and queen had ended in her favor, evelyn's mind was still reeling when the servants showed her to a guestroom.

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Chapter 14: The Son of Mercy

#14 of fox hunt 3: sword and stone the son of mercy chapter 14 atieno held the ball of light aloft in his paw as he drew near to the altar beneath ti'uu's shrine.

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Chapter 68 Meeting Half-Way

#68 of fox hunt 2: the queen of varimore meeting half-way chapter 68 etienne descended the stair into darkness. he took a few steps, and his ears pricked forward when his boots didn't make a sound. he stopped and looked back . .

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Chapter 26 Against the Wall

#27 of fox hunt against the wall chapter 26 the king, queen, and their court took lunch out in the garden, and it seemed the moment evelyn arrived, a penetrating silence fell.

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