Highborn Species datasheet

They're extremely rare, only one in five thousand, making up 0.002% of their population (estimation of one billion.)

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Meet the Party!

Horgann gravelhammer, a dwarf from the country of kirggar; obviously much shorter than the other members of the group, he more-than makes up for this with his tremendous musculature, rivalling even orcs.

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(F/F, wolf and possum) Not Quite Ready Yet

"makes up for being late, maybe? here, let me just..." sandra laughed, letting morgan tuck the flower behind her ear. "more than makes up for it," she said. she remembered it was sandra's favorite. how did she remember? "good!

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What kinds of Kyruku are there?

The second most populated species, this sub breed makes up an estimated 32% of the total species population.

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wounded saw ch1

On the road we sped making up for lost time, "slow down!," i whine but dylan kept his pace "we're ginna crash!,"

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Authors - Ch 4 The Imperial City

The hist was making up for a mistake long ago - making up for lost time. why? no one knew, even among their own kind. she shook her head and cleared it of it's meanderings. such things simply didn't concern her. she was what she was.

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Water (Poem)

I am one part of a larger whole that makes up the ice. those who are frozen around me sleep in peace and they support me as i join their ranks. i support myself as we support each other. together we form something beautiful.

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It's Just A Dream Ch.1-Introduction

Well his life sure makes up for the name; ever since he was an adolescent, this panther had bled, sweat, and nearly died for war and battle.


For the Pigs in Such Fine Houses

up the magic words as he goes along.not a quiet moment in the house.the pots stew a meager thing, and she waited on him like always.

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Poem #3

As trolls mock and create drama, just to please themselves, overcoming their own inadequate lives, making up for some short coming, maybe to help them feel better in a world that they hate?

Wtf is with my dreams?

So this one makes up for a lot of lame dreams/ nights with no dreams. i was in car with... someone... i really don't know who it was. i could tell we where in a parking lot... the view switched to someone dressed in black and holding a pistol.

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A Mothers Choice Chapter 3

He parked and turned off the car before heading inside only to see kara standing in the kitchen wearing a thin nightgown while making up some drink for her to sip on. belle had long since been put down for bed so kara was left alone till now.

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