Damon and Sora

Sora laughed softly and looked at him saying "well...i mostly did my art work while everyone else was doing all these sports and such."damon smiled again, "well i'd like to see it sometime."

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The Cat's Meow

Whether you're interested in seeing snippets of upcoming pieces, helping me decide what to write next, like seeing wips of my art, wanna provide characters for future art or stories, or just want to chat casually with fun people about shared interests, why

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Keeping Secrets

Whether you're interested in seeing snippets of upcoming pieces, helping me decide what to write next, like seeing wips of my art, wanna provide characters for future art or stories, or just want to chat casually with fun people about shared interests, why

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Come as You Are - Scene 1

I'm showing my art at anthrocon next month, i could get you tickets. aaron i would love that; it's awesome that you're so talented - dave so why not? we could get a private room and make it special.

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Entry #1 (July 15)

I can only play other musician's simplistic three chord songs on my sleek guitar, currently covered in a thin film of dust and my art is equivalent to an adolescent who draws their admirable works using ms paint.

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New Year's Kiss

I'd love to see my art showcased like that." i nod slowly. "sounds like a good goal." he turns to look at me again. "what about you?" "i've got a couple resolutions."

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Hello, Neighbour

Whether you're interested in seeing snippets of upcoming pieces, helping me decide what to write next, like seeing wips of my art, wanna provide characters for future art or stories, or just want to chat casually with fun people about shared interests, why

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Font size adjustment: smallerlarger Sir Grandjoy - Chapter One

"fine- i'm supposed to write a paper for my art history class," jeffery pulled out notepaper and pens from his backpack. "and i think i may have just found the perfect topic." christopher's face was lit up with excitement. "i think you may have!"

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the artist's muse chapter 1

I just give tips and hints but also show what 4 years of art and being told that my art wasn't going to be in any museum or art gallery but look in the local museum and my art is in there.

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Te'rue Wererat Stories - 2

The barbarian was out front where he liked to be, and i, true to my art and form... didn't listen to him. i skulked along one of the walls. we were about seventy feet down the hundred foot long corridor when it happened.

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[Sketch] Quickie

Whether you're interested in seeing snippets of upcoming pieces, helping me decide what to write next, like seeing wips of my art, wanna provide characters for future art or stories, or just want to chat casually with fun people about shared interests, why

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