A Tale of Ponies and Wolves Ch.2

**Ch.2 Leader of the Pack** Sentry follows the silent wolf mage in to an empty reception hall. Once inside Spirit shuts and locks the door, and turns on a single dim light. "Sit Chief, we have heavy matters to discuss." Sentry takes the offered...


A Tale of Ponies and Wolves Ch.1

"are you done with my little pony yet?" spitfire hardly ever wasted time on pleasantries. and that was the ponykine way of referring to ponies under six feet tall. ponies like night glider, or their land pony who owned the building.


A Tale of Ponies and Wolves

#1 of a tale of ponies and wolves my little pony and all recognizable ponies and entities are the properties of hasbro, i do not own them. all other recognizable characters are copy righted to their respective owners.


Lament for the Sunset

#6 of poems a poem somewhat based on my little pony fire shimmers on the glass as her hate and desire burns glorious as the sun, dark as the moon the stars are the only witness when her lust for power consumes future days too bright the present

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Diamond in the rough part 1

Somewhere inside at the abandon diamond mine, several royal guards from canterlot were walking through the mining tunnels, searching for a wanted criminal that escape from prison. The leader of the royal guard use a map to check each tunnel his team...

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MLP:FiM:Chapture 8: Let em Talk

"....No pony...Any pony?" Washington shouted into the darkness of the black pole forest before hearing voices. "No changes yet." Washington heard. "What?" He said, groggy and with his eyes closed. he hadn't opened his eyes yet but the voice sounded...

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MLP:FiM: Chapture 2: The Next Day

Washington woke up around 8, which is late around the Apple farmstead. He signed and groaned getting himself up to a sitting position to wait for the room to stop spinning for him. "She going to chew me out for this." he thought. Soon he put on his...

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My Little Pony: Battle for Equestria pt 21 (preview)

Waking up because of Shiny Armor lightly shaking me, I groaned and sat up in the sleeping like bag that I was given by Wisdom just the night pier. Wiping the sweat from my brow, I yawned and stretched a bit, hearing my joints pop and crack as I did....

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An angel with hoofs

It was a normal day in the lands of dead lands of Nabudis, the only thing to help fill the constant loneliness was the company of his fellow steeds. His name was Luthor, the Leynir or atleast that's what he thinks his name is. After the fall of...

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Changeling Heart: The New Sword

Three days seem to pass rather quickly when you are with the ones you love most of all. I mean, yes I do love and care deeply for Saki, and the days just seem to be a lot...better with her around. But still, after being away from my 'family'...

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Love........SERIOUSLY!? Chapter 9

When Cadance awoke she was still tired from the night before. She had spent a good few hours with her aunts, relishing the company, and helping Luna tease the heck out of Celestia. It was one of the most enjoyable things she had done since she came...


Nightmare In the Lunar Republic Chapter 2

"i can be big if i want to, but i prefer the smaller size to better relate to my little ponies." "well your pasta will get cold." "fair point."
