Finding Strength

Day 87 Good news, I think I figured out why I've got such a big appetite now. Couple weeks ago I noticed I'm starting to get pretty buff. Suppose that all the hiking around the island, flying, climbing trees, and swimming every day for a few months...

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Hedonistic Desire

Day 74 You pervs reading are gonna love reading this one. I had another dream last night, but it wasn't weird like the one I had at the ruins that one night. Nah, this one was pretty straightforward. I dreamed that I was out wading in the shallows...

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A Night in the Ruins

Day 62 My bad for not writing the past couple weeks. Just a couple days ago something really big happened, and I'm still not sure what to think. After a bunch of back and forth visits to the ruins, I still wasn't getting anywhere in figuring out what...

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Hunter's Instinct

Day 48 Welp, I went back to the ruins today with a spear and a makeshift torch and came up with a whole lotta nothing. Made my way down the stairs, spear at the ready and keeping an eye out for traps and there was nothing to write about. There's a...

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(Optional Chapter) A Dark Forest

Day 41 Remember when I mentioned there's no bodywash on this island? Yeah, the same goes for shaving kits. Dragons don't have this problem, and I don't know how it is for ponies and other furry creatures, but us griffons get coarse dark body hair in...

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Ruins on the Mountain

Day 33 Oh shit. Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit! There WAS somecreature on this island before me. I found proof of intelligent life! Look at me creaming myself like some nutball in a tinfoil hat. Lemme back things up and start from the beginning. I...

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(Optional Chapter) Aromatherapy

Day 24 So, the folks who knew me back on the mainland will tell you I've never been big on flowery, frou-frou shit like perfumes or scented soaps. I just go with whatever gets me clean, and I don't really care to smell like lilac or whatever. Girly...

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Moving In, Getting Off

Day 15 After poking around in those caves for the past few days, I think it's safe for me to set up in there. Just as well, too. My little shelter on the beach keeps falling over every time it rains, and I keep getting sand in places you definitely...

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Day 11 So it turns out, as awesome as my high tops were, they were definitely not made for walking long distances all day, every day. I've completely worn down the soles, and they've split in several places. My feet hurt from all the walking enough...

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Dreams and Whispers

Day 6 Been a couple days since I wrote. No biggie, I've been keeping track of the days. Found one of the softer rocks leaves marks, so I can write with it. I'm keeping the days marked off on one of the boulders near where the trees start. That way...

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Scout's (Dis)honor

Day 3 Okay, first of all I gotta call bullshit. I was down by the pool again, and I took a look at my beak in the reflection. The smaller cracks are gone entirely, and the big one looks a lot smaller and shallower than I remember it being yesterday....

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First Steps

Day 2 Well, guess some problems resolve themselves after all. I woke up this morning, and first thing I noticed after sitting up was my fingers. They didn't hurt as much, and the black has faded from them. I can even move them all again! Weird, I was...

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