Chapter 32: The Death of Fox McCloud
Fox mccloud is dead. his widow, krystal mccloud, and their children have been taken away from the scene and are now under police protection."
Fan Story, McCloud's Story Chapter 1
#1 of mccloud's story fan story to gray muzzle hope he featured it^^ well this is my first story about a relationship with mccloud the brown wolf and tina the white poodle. anyways tina and ray by grey muzzle and mccloud, garou and the story by me.
Chapter 11: How to Fly Like a Fox
Kristin and roger were frantically trying to hit the mccloud arwings. "trying bulldog 7!"
Chapter 19
"oh, mccloud, andross was becoming _quite_ popular with his kind before his arrest and exile.
Star Fox: Ascension #06 PACIFICATION
mccloud! "i want to talk to mr.- fox. i want to talk to fox mccloud!" [containment efforts must-] "i will talk to fox mccloud!"
Chapter 17: Family
"here you are, missus mccloud, just in case." he glanced over to her husband and frowned. "mister mccloud, are you ill?" fox shook his head and also took a deep breath. "i'll be fine now. thank you."
(~6~) To The Descent, Pt. 1
He didn't say 'mccloud', nor did he use 'flyboy'. that was an interesting tell. "we're paying you 5 million creditss to do the job, mccloud. it doessn't matter what'ss in the sship."
Judy Hopps and the Foxes Feast Part Two (A Zootopia Jeeves Prompt, posted with permission)
Even finnick, who in terms of stature was more a match for judy, was _endowed_ to a degree that made him more than a match with nick, robin, mccloud and miles.
Starfox: Bowser Jr's Toybox
Said mccloud. "yer gonna hafta try real hard, cuz i'm invincible!"
Chapter 26: Mental Discipline
Most amazingly, he was fox's direct paternal ancestor in the mccloud line, the father of the father of the father of james mccloud. the image expanded to fill the holo projector's field.
Starfox Alternative: Big Iron
mccloud's stubbornness may well have ruined what was otherwise an amicable, albeit deeply lopsided, relationship between the town and the o'donnell gang.
Chapter 33: Sedition
The terrier had made contact with the agent he was working with, who had discovered that fox mccloud had in fact faked his death.