A Fatal Game 5 - Masking Reflections
Fractured scales as white as bone, eyes blacker than the deep sea at night. Shivering mouth with fangs that seemed to shift in and out of existence. The entire body seemed to blur just on the edge of focus. He felt at first the same paranoia one feels...
A Fatal Game 4 - The Dark Lantern
His first order of business was to investigate the shiny item that laid beneath the moonlit window to his left. His eyes glinted with intrigue as he picked up a small roll of old film. Much as he found it useless and undeveloped, he nevertheless took...
A Fatal Game 3 - Peekaboo
It was a small study, with only a few bookcases lined up along a window or two, the spiders having already inhabited the place long ago like many other parts of the house. But he saw none of them in this room despite their webbed homes remaining. In...
The Summoning - July Rule 34 Story #1 (Teaser)
Despite his layer of fur, his lack of preparedness made him wish he had stayed in town with zero and albus.
Star Zero episode 1
, star zero.
A Fatal Game 8 - The First Child
Returning back to the cavern beneath the mansion, James found no trace of either Boona or the mysterious mother. He could almost imagine hearing her song faintly resonate from the stones within. The cave was somehow less cold than it had been before,...
The Race of the Rexes 4 - The Rise And Fall of Li'l Rex
Sadly the same principle did not work on an f-zero racer, but it did throw the flame sword racer off slightly.
The Race of the Rexes 1 - Uber Trouble
You're in mute city, man, home of the f-zero races!" "eff...zero?" "...wow you really dunno about them? what planet you from anyway?"
It included a basic jet pack for maneuvering in zero gravity.
Confident Convict
zero btw. i'm not much for mr. folf," magnus retorted before turning the left corner out of the room, heading back down the hall from whence they came. "whatever you say...dr. zero, heh heh."
Best of 2011-2012: The Writings
He took his hand and shook it, "zero." #8.
Fight Scene
http://www.sofurry.com/view/388202 for details on this and upcoming story series. [Not final edit - collaboration requested] And please forgive my loopy Canadian English, it is correct in my region. Caedmon floated warily in the centre of the room....