Confident Convict

Story by Magnus Zero on SoFurry

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#4 of Random Stories

A sneaky wolf decides to venture into a research facility at the dead of night, looking to make off with an easy score of muscle serum to use for his own ends. Yet despite being crafty and planning out all the details, he doesn't take into account that one person decided to stay late the evening he breaks in, leading to some rather complicated instances to snag away the prize, as well as an enhanced body for the brown wolf. That is, unless a certain folf researcher has anything to say about it.

An entertaining random write for ChibifuVooki who wanted to have his wolf self get a quick tour of my lab and take something for himself, leading to a crazy transformation into a buff mutant crocodile. Has a small fight scene, but most of it is SFW. Enjoy!

Licos Aragon belongs to ChibifuVooki on FA

Magnus (aka Vashyron) is me

Confident Convict (Wolf to Crocodile TF)

It was the dead of night around 10pm in the evening, the low-light of the moon blanketing a batch of bushes as a large anthro wolf dove into the foliage from sight. As the last two cars left the front parking lot of the small blue building, a toothy grin came over his maw; this was his chance, or at least the best one to get inside as those menacing yellow eyes examined the slider door. With a quick glance around, he slipped inside to make his move.

The usual security guard was already napping from his long shift as the day was less than an hour before he could return home, though his tired and slumped gut on the chair in front of the counter was any indication to the big wolf that he was out cold. _Perfect...give me that,_he thought to himself before pulling off the guard's nametag card slowly, then giving the cord a clean cut with a sharp claw of his. Licos stood pretty tall for a brown Mexican wolf: his chest and lower muzzle half-chin a light shade of grey while a charcoal black trail ran from his black hair all the way down his back to his tail. Yet despite being rather intimidating with the appearance of a brute, he had a cunning wit for a criminal. Even his stout confidence made it a more deadly combination to match, instilling him motivation to try the most crazy of crimes.

Had he not overheard all the buzz talk from one of the new security guards at his prison just a few weeks ago about his "new procedure", the crafty wolf would be out enjoying his time on a beach since he was recently released. However, the thought of trying out that special muscle serum on himself was too tempting for Licos to pass up, rubbing his chin at the thought while those yellow eyes stared down the door's keypad. He staked the place out just a week ago, traveling in as a prospecting client until he was denied for his criminal record. Even so, it gave him more than enough of a view to know how to access the facility, regardless of the security.

Wasting little time, Licos swiped the keycard on the pad, the numbers clicking and beeping into place with the hacked card as the back door slide open. Pretty shoddy security for this type of tech if you ask me, shrugged the wolf with his broad shoulders, adjusting his collar a bit as he pulled open and then closed the lift station shaft doors to make his decent.

The cool air swept over Licos's thick coat with each step into the main lobby area of the west sector, the lift station shutters clamping shut just behind him. This was the farthest he had initially entered before, since one of the researchers led him over to Gill's office to review the forms for his procedure request; though once his recent criminal record was brought up, he was asked to leave. "Heh, looks like I have the place to myself now," smirked Licos with a few steps forward, his tail swaying about against his black shorts while his ears twitched some from the chill, remaining ever alert for the faintest of noises. "Shame nothing can stop me from taking some lovely toys back with me," he said while fiddling over a blaster ray and another claw-like contraption on one of the workbenches, but the wolf always had a game plan for any crime; he couldn't, nor wouldn't deviate from it. "Now then....where would they store that serum?"

Suddenly, out of the corner of his yellow eye, a stream of light shined through the far right office door. Licos's ears immediately stood at attention, startled that someone else would be staying here late of all things. "Damnit! Need to hide," gritting his sharp teeth, his head darting about back and forth as he quickly examined the area for a hiding spot. Seeing no good spot other than behind one of the workbenches or stasis tanks, the large wolf rushed with long strides to the nearby medical bay room, sweeping his body up along the side wall of the room near the entrance. Licos held his breath tight in his lungs, giving out low huffs of air as he focused his hearing into the room. It was a tool of the trade in his line of work, being somewhat proficient in the art of stealth despite his hefty body.

A smirk started to grow off his lupine lips as a soft padded step could be heard around the corner, though faint for the moment. Seconds began to pass as the steps echoed louder into his ears, the padded soles slapping into the slick floor of the facility as whatever was making the noise initially grew louder walking toward his direction, but then started to die off. Tilting his head over the side of the door with his black nose sniffing the air, Licos's eyes lit up as he spotted his prey wandering past one of the workbenches. Even through the low-lit room, the faint light gave more than enough of a view of the big creature. A large fluffy tail swished about behind his rump, a pair of red boxers and a snow white robe seeming to be the only garments the person had on.

_Heh...another loose end to take care of,_grinned Licos with slow footsteps out of the room. The workbenches made for good cover as he crept across the room, following the whoever that was down the left hallway. The corridor was small, so Licos had to wait a moment while keeping an eye out to make sure he was out of sight before proceeding. From the looks of it, the individual seemed to be heading to another room in the facility as light in a side room turned on. The wolf knew it was the right moment to strike, being as he had the surprise element on his side. His ears perked from the sound of water splashing against a metal surface, slowly sliding his frame along the cold metallic wall. Only a few feet separated him from the doorway now; taking a deep breath, the wolf swung his body about the corner to face the individual.

"Hold it right there, bud!," barked Licos with claws at the ready. "Huh?!'s you?!?"

The brown wolf was stunned for a moment as it felt like deja vu. Standing before him with a paw slowly closing the freezer door, the robed beast turned about to face him, a low yawn or growl leaving its lupine lips before it rubbed its back head.

"Whewwww...mmmm, can you sir?," remarked the large folf, taking a sip from a glass of cold milk. Underneath the robe lay a lush and fluffy coat of red fur with a few archaic markings along the shoulders, as well toned muscles for abs and on his arms/legs. He looked very relax, glancing at the intruder with those blue eyes as if this was a common occurrence here. "You know we close at 10pm today right? Or did you not read the sign out front?"

"Shut it you!," snarled the big wolf with annoyance, charging forward to pin the lax folf into the refrigerator with widened eyes. "I don't care who you are, or why you are here this late at night of all things!"

"Well to be fair, I here most of the time," chuckled the folf. Man, this guy sure is feisty..., thought Magnus, his eyes already sizing up the large adversary. Even as the meaty arm of Licos pushed more into his neck against the stainless steel door, the folf hardly felt phased.

"Perfect. Then if you live here, that means you know the place well, right?"

The folf gave a slow nod back. "I would hope so, heh heh. I am the caretaker of the facility after all."

Licos's yellow eyes stared deep into the folf's, a grin crossing his muzzle as he pulled his arm back. "Alright then, Mr. Caretaker. My sources have informed me that this facility houses a special kind of growth serum, specifically as a means to get stronger." The brown wolf leaned in close, his black nose inches from Magnus's face. "So if you would be so kind as to hand it over....I won't have to rip you to shreds," he remarked with his black claws extended out in his paw.

With another casual swig of his milk, the red folf calmly placed the empty glass on the side of the metallic counter, inches from the sink as he turned off the water flow. "Sure. I can get you it," smiled Magnus.

"Wait...really? You...seriously don't mind handing it over?," Licos replied, tilting his head with a rather puzzled look. Is this guy for real? I can kill him in an instant, and yet...he looks like he I'm hardly a threat to him., pondered the brown wolf while lowering his clawed paw.

"Yeah, I don't mind," smirked the folf. "Not like I use it for anything else, heh heh."

"But...I'm a criminal," Licos pointed to his chest, then ran a paw out to show his whole bulky body as if to say "do you realize who the hell I am and what I'm doing here?" Even so, Magnus just stared on with an amused look. "Ergh..nevermind then. Show me where the formula is then, Mr. Folf."

"Certainly," nodded the folf with a rather gentlemanly bow. He quickly fastened the white cord on his robe before walking past the brown wolf, his own fluffy tail grazing along Licos side. "O's Dr. Zero btw. I'm not much for Mr. Folf," Magnus retorted before turning the left corner out of the room, heading back down the hall from whence they came.

"Whatever you say...Dr. Zero, heh heh." A sly grin crossed Licos's lupine lips, rubbing his paws some before following closely out of the room behind Dr. Zero, eager to see this "special serum" first hand.

The two canines traversed a short distance back to the opening sector and down the right corridor to reach the storage room, the hall lights illuminating their path one by one along the way. Despite the initial threats that Licos made to his supposed "hostage", the folf continued his laid back demeanor throughout the whole ordeal; he even went as far to mingle with the brown-furred convict about any random thing he could think of, such as what he'd like to do in his free time. Oddly enough for Licos's case, he seemed to fancy drawing as a means to unwind.

"Alright, here we are," Magnus smiled back with an outstretched paw. Licos could only marvel at the design of the sector upon stepping out of the hallway, his jaw gaping open. The east sector still appeared to be in the final stages of construction, judging by the metal pipe rods and cylinders/crates scattered on the slick blue floor and caution-tape stretched over the middle area. To the left from the hallway entrance lay a row of steps scaling up to an ancient-looking circular platform of sorts with a large metal ring standing up on its side that connected at the base; the arch held various orange spheres with strange runic symbols etched in each one while a base computer station was mounted just a few yards away from the whole structure, most likely the power source for the device.

"What is that, exactly?," Licos inquired with a claw pointed at the device while Magnus started walking in the opposite direction, though already aware of what the wolf referred to.

"A rift portal generator," Magnus replied. "My colleague and I have been working on it for the last two months after I brought in those orange runic spheres you see from an archeological dig. Initially I had no idea what those orbs did, but someone at the dig site mentioned they were once used to manipulate planar travel when attuned properly."

Most of these "fancy words" seem to fly over Licos head as he gave an odd and irritated stare at the folf, who only smirked back. "So essentially...this thing lets you travel to anywhere you want to go."

"Well when you put it that way....yes, heh heh."

A low sigh came out of the wolf, shaking his head before wandering over to the folf who was leaning on a green cylinder tank sticking out of the floor, a vacuum pump plugged in on the side. "You could've just said that in the first place, ya know..."

Magnus shrugged. "I like to be rather specific in my explanations," he retorted with a stick out of his tongue. The wolf glistened his claws towards Magnus as a threat, though he hardly seemed to care with a chuckle. "Anyways, the serum you requested is in here."

Positioned near the tank was a large metallic door, nearly ten feet tall from the looks of it. Two rows of latches with clear plated lights just above resided at the base of the door, securely holding it in place with a simple keypad/mini screen box on the right side. Licos could feel a subtle rise in heat stream over his fur from the vents at the base of the door, a stark contrast to the cool atmosphere for most of the facility. "Mmmph, feels rather...warm over here compared to the rest of the place," remarked Licos with a ruffle of his fur, glancing over the area while Magnus idly punched in some numbers on the keypad before pulling out a small red card from his robe pocket.

"It usually isn't this hot over here actually," snickered the Folf, the sound of a confirmation ring coming from the terminal keypad. The door lights flashed a bright green as the tumblers rotated in place, the metal latches pulling inward to allow the large door to split at the base as the inner lights of the storage room turned on. "Currently we're keeping a few samples of old igneous rock and molten components along this first wall for a client; hence the need for a higher heat level to keep them in stasis."

"Whatever...," remarked Licos with annoyed scowl at the explanation. "Just get me the damn serum already. I don't want to be here longer than I need to be..."

"Heh heh, alrighty then. Give me a moment then," replied Magnus before stepping into the room, the brown wolf following close behind with intent focus on any moves he made. You won't be here for that long anyway, I assure you.., thought Magnus to himself with a toothy grin, keeping his back turned to the burly wolf while they walked down the second aisle of the room. The storage container was a little taller than the door, but it's size was about the same as Magnus's own office room. Three different aisles managed to fit in the small space, each one housing various colors of chemical beakers and storage boxes lining the shelves. There must've been several hundred different items or potions stockpiled in this place; it was no wonder that large door had such advanced security measures to keep them contained.

Wasting little time for the antsy brown wolf, Magnus lead Licos to the back wall of the second aisle, kneeling down in his robes to grab a flask of light pink liquid that was corked on the top. There were several more flasks of the same liquid placed behind the first one, but he figured only one would be enough to satisfy his "guest's" appetite. His fluffy tail swished under his robes as he rose and turned to face Licos, who stared on in intrigue at the prize he sought to claim.

"Heh heh, so this is the muscle serum, I presume?," grinned the wolf, outstretching a paw to snatch it up.

Magnus smirked, pulling the flask from his reach as he turned his gaze to a nearby workbench on the left of the first aisle. "It is, but...not quite," retorted the folf with a shake of his muzzle. "This IS the muscle serum, no question. However, to keep it in its' raw form for outside use, I like to leave it in a suspended state."

"Well then, make it in an UNSUSPENDED state already!," barked Licos, clenching a fist at Magnus who just rolled his eyes before walking over to the workbench, grabbing an apparatus of test tubes and a stir plate from another shelf along the way. "The only reason I haven't gutted you yet is so that I have the actual formula."

"Psh, well if you would just sit tight there for a moment, then I'll have it done already," chuckled Magnus, placing the light pink solution on the polished table top along with the two instruments he picked up. The folf worked fast with his paws, quickly measuring out a vial of clear solution before pouring it in a beaker he set on the stir plate. He sprinkled some fine white particles into the glass container just moments before dropping a white-coated pill into the liquid. With a turn of the dial to the 4th setting on the plate, the pill began to spin rapidly as the solution mixed together, the fine grains of dust instantly disappearing into the clear solution that suddenly became a cloud of white cream. " I just need to add this and..." Magnus mumbled under his breath, retaining complete focus on the reaction as he slowly poured the pink solution into the mix. In a matter of 1-2 minutes, the folf and wolf's eyes both lit up at the sight of the color change undergoing in the beaker, the once light-pink serum shifting rapidly to a more dark-magenta tone. "That should do it!," exclaimed Magnus, turning the dial off and placing the beaker on the counter before removing the white-stirring pill.

"Finally," shrugged Licos as he approached the workbench, glancing over Magnus's shoulder while the folf cleaned up. Despite his annoyed mood, the brown wolf was rather amused and intrigued by the technique that was used in making the potion; even if hardly any of it made sense to him. "I'll be taking that then." Licos swiped the potion up with a paw, bringing it to his face while sloshing it around some to marvel at it.

"W-wait, where are you going? I was only going to give you a sample of it," Magnus said in a concerned voice, quickly rising to his feet to follow Licos out of the storage room. The wolf was already closing in on the corridor before Magnus was able to catch up to him, the large metallic doors clanking shut just behind him. "You can't ta- wait, what are you doing?!" Magnus could only look on in shock as Licos grinned back at him, the beaker top already unsealed as the wolf brought it to his lips before chugging all of the contents down in one gulp. A tangy yet refreshing taste of fruit juice, possibly grape, tickled Licos's tongue as the contents flushed down his throat, like drinking Hawaiian Punch of sorts.

"Mmmm," he murrled with a lick of his lupine lips. "Pretty tasty for a powerful potion," snickered the wolf as Magnus could only facepalm.

"Why..the hell..would you just drink it? I thought you wanted to steal it to like sell it or what not."

"Of course not," Licos shook his head. "This is was for my personal use. And now I'm gonna be so ri- head." The wolf grasped a paw on the side of his ear, leaning over onto the wall as pressure began to build in his skull and chest. "Damn...this...this is some strong stuff...urgghh..," he groaned out.

"You ingested a highly. concentrated. version of the serum, you blockhead! What did you think was going to happen!," Magnus barked with outstretched arms, stunned by the feat that Licos just did. Though secretly on the inside, he was laughing as it played out as he expected.

Licos lumbered about the room, knocking a foot into a wooden crate as he stumbled about, doubling over on his knees before holding his chest tightly. It felt like he had a massive upset stomach, feeling the solution start to react and bubble violently in his belly. His body temp began to rise rapidly, sweat dripping on his face and neck through his fur as the red folf could only look from the sideline. The wolf growled and gritted his teeth, which already seemed to look like daggers in his maw. As Licos turned to face him, Magnus caught a glimpse of his iris: a yellow slit starting to form in both.

"You...what did you put in this...serum?," snarled the changing wolf, staggering over with a raged look in his reptilian eyes. His skin began to feel rather prickly, as if it was becoming a pincushion from the chemical striking at his muscle cells. "My body hot...and itchy all over." Licos ran his paws and claws up and down his arm and chest, the shirt not helping at all to relieve the sensation. His lungs expanded in his chest, stretching his ribcage out with deep pants while he tugged at his shirt, frustrated with the fabric.

"Give me a minute! I'll grab something to relieve the pain!," Magnus spoke, legit concern in his voice as he spun about and rushed to the back wall, leaving the poor big wolf to groan and ache on the ground as his large frame began to contort, his back giving a spasm before he slammed the floor with his fist. Magnus made sure to be prepared for any emergencies in the facility, heading straight for one of the first aid stations he setup. He scrambled to open up the latch on the yellow chest, but it was stuck; the latch must've been caught on something! The folf tugged and worked at it a few seconds before the plastic snapped, the handle flying over the room as he opened the case. By the time he pulled out a syringe kit and the vial of ammonium with another vial, Magnus scrambled back to already see the wolf had ripped off most of his shirt.

Licos's lush brown and grey coat already began to drop off in clumps to the floor, his ears completely receded into his head with the earring he usually wore imbedded on the side of it. The formula began to react stronger with each passing second, his muscles starting to bulge up in size all over. He grew in size by several inches in a minute, his body temp still climbing as he let out a moan. Initially the pain was agonizing, like his body was being combed by cactus pieces that were also ablaze; yet as he began to adjust to the changes, it started to feel so good and exhilarating. The wolf once tried out steroids before, in a small dose mind you, just to get a feel for how strong he could get. Yet this serum made that effect feel a hundred times more potent than that!

With most of his fur shed from head to tail, Licos rose up to his now bulky reptilian feet, flexing a bicep as the serum coursed in his veins. "Oooo yyeeaaaa!!," exclaimed the changing wolf, giving a devious grin as he eyed Magnus, who was now standing in a defensive posture. "Mmmmm, this stuff is the real deal for sure! Hah hah hah, so much power now, I could crush anybody like this."

The changes kept creeping over Licos as Magnus got a better look at him now. Thick layers of brown scales ran down his hefty slabs of meat arms/legs, the veins still showing through them like he was a supped-up bodybuilder. He now stood at almost 9 feet tall, more than a foot higher than the folf; Magnus would literally be staring at his pecs if he stood next him. The once lupine muzzle had now warped out and extended further out into a crocodile's maw with rows of teeth protruding out the corners. Despite the leather feel to most of his skin, his chest/neck and hand palms retained the slight grey color he had before while also being rather smooth and soft to the touch. The crocodile flexed its chest a bit as his hefty muscles pumped out, feeling the rather large muscle gut of his start to push out slowly from the serum circulating through him. Looking along his shorts though, which surprisingly still remained glued to his waist, Magnus's eyes widened at the large appendage smacking into the and nearly shattering one of the crates, glass beakers inside spilling onto the durable floor. His tail definitely grew longer, but instead of being like a crocodile tail, it seemed to have a more slick layer of scale patterns and more rows of grooves along its top and under frame. The top part retained a few black streaks down to the tip while the rest of it was a darker brown than his skin. Crap..if I didn't know any better, that thing looks like it came from a dragon, grimaced the folf in deep thought. Suddenly, his attention was snapped back to reality as the hulking juggernaut approached.

"In fact," grinned Licos as he smacked his hands into each other. "Maybe I can test this new strength...on you."

Magnus couldn't get a word out before the mutated anthro croc charged him, slamming his chest with a broad shoulder. The momentum flung him along with it into a hollow tank container, a pipe bursting loose with steam as Magnus's frame indented the side of the it. Even with his grown size, Licos was still quick on his feet; or rather large feet now.

"Oooo that felt good," chuckled the croc as he kicked a crate out of the way and lurked toward the folf, still trying to get to his feet with the syringe in his paw. Magnus shook his muzzle, glancing over at the hulking reptile. The folf was strong too, but not enough to take on Licos with this kind of power. And from the looks of it, he was STILL getting stronger as his pecs barreled out into an eight-pack of muscle. Licos cracked his neck some, the bones popping a bit as his spine lengthened another few inches while the brown layer of scales swept over the remaining sections of his sides and back legs. A funny tingle sensation crept down his spine as well with each step, feeling a few rows of small spines start to poke along his back.

Just a few feet away from his prey, who barely stumbled to his feet, Licos licked his long rows of teeth with his rather meaty tongue before charging again, smacking Magnus into the wall. The croc immediately plastered him in place, wrapping his burly scaled arms over Magnus's own and chest to constrict his movement. "Let me show ya just how much I want to thank you, doctor, for the new body," Licos chuckled.

In a split second, the croc squeezed a hard hug over his prey, causing the folf to yelp and go wide eyed. Magnus could feel the air slipping from his lungs, the croc tightening the hug with each gasp he took; it felt like an anaconda squeezing the life out of him, just moments before it would devour him whole. Of course, it wouldn't get to that point, not while the folf still drew breath.

"Mmmmph, of me!," yelled Magnus, gripping his paw tight before slamming the syringe needle into the exposed leg of Licos. A loud clink came out, then the folf caught the sight of the needle dropping to the floor. "Are you!?"

"Heh, that won't work on me buddy," laughed Licos. "My skin is super tough now. That puny needle just tickled me, heh heh. You'll have to do better than that to harm me." He growled before giving another strong bear-hug squeeze, making Magnus groan again as he gritted his teeth.

Ergh...I didn't think...I needed to do this...but he asked for it!

With intense concentration, the folf's body instantly dropped in temperature; a thick layer of permafrost began to envelop over his fur, nearly making the croc shiver if not for his own high body heat. Magnus acted fast once the ground became slick in ice, the croc's new feet not quite adjusted to the new terrain as the slick floor tickled his padding before his legs slipped under him.

"Aaaah!!," yelled Licos with a hard smack on the ice floor. "What the... how'd you do that?!?" The croc's slit eyes widened as he instantly began to feel a chill race faster over his warm, rugged body. Looking to his side and down his leg, the folf showered the mutated reptile in a frozen ice particles that quickly formed thick blocks of ice-like cuffs, bolting him to the ground. "Ergghh...can't...move," growled Licos, struggling to rip off the ice blocks, snapping a few times with his maw at the folf as Magnus backed away with a grin to catch his breath.

"Heh..heh...good luck...breaking out of that prison," panted Magnus, leaning over to the wall for a moment. "This type of ice ten times stronger...than steel. So...even with...the help of...that serum in'll take you awhile...before it gives way."

"Ergh, damn you folf!," growled Licos. "This is...only delaying...the inevitable...for you!" The croc's muscled bulged with raw strength, tugging and thrusting as hard as he could to break out of the confinements, but to no avail. He wasn't going anywhere.

Magnus shook his head with a scowl, annoyed by the rant of the croc as he delivered a hard smack of his frozen arm across Licos's face. The blow was strong, leaving the croc dazed for a moment as his vision rapidly became blurring before he blacked out.

With the croc knocked out cold, Magnus adjusted his white robes, which were a bit torn in some areas from the scuffle before waving a paw on the ground. In seconds, the cool ice receded from the floor, leaving the unconscious croc collapsed in a large pool of water as Magnus chuckled. "Heh heh, damn...well that didn't go as plan." As the red folf kneeled down, he placed a paw to the throat of Licos's thick grey neck, feeling the soft texture under it to find a pulse; his ear twitched some as he could hear soft padded footsteps approach from around the bust crate, his nose twitching from a familiar scent as he smirked. "Enjoy the show, Bolt?"

"Nah...not really," shrugged the silver-furred and blue striped lombax, his personal omniwrench dangling on a clip fastened to his shorts. "He looked like he was gonna crush you if you weren't careful, you know. Surprised you took it so easy on him during the struggle."

Magnus rolled his eyes at the remark, feeling a neck artery pulse calming under the leather skin of the croc. "Good...he's out cold, literally; but he's fine. I think most of the formula ran its course through his system." The folf turned his head with annoyed scowl at his colleague. "And no, I wasn't going 'easy' on him. My muscles nearly gave out from fighting back. The guy is like a juggernaut now."

"Heh heh, and yet the bigger they are, the harder they fall," Bolt replied with a silly wink.

"Ugh...will you at least help me get him to the medical chamber?" Magnus groaned some upon hoisting a meaty brown-scaled arm over his back neck, not realizing the wolf gained about double his previous weight in muscle now. "This...guy is freaking...heavy now.'s like dead lifting a truck."

The lombax nodded, cutting his silly antics for the moment as he pulled the other arm onto his neck, the weight alone nearly making his legs buckle. Bolt was much shorter than Magnus, but he wasn't a slouch when it came to strength in that small body.

The two struggled slowly but surely to drag the brute down the lit-up corridor, Licos's hefty draconic tail sliding right behind them like an extra weight bag. "So...what are we gonna do with the meantime?," inquired Bolt to the side, gritting his teeth as they turned the corner to the main sector lobby.

"We can decide on that later, once he wakes up," Magnus replied. "I'd like to find out why on earth he got the guts to break into here anyway, of all places."

"Think he was hired to grab the formula and just got greedy in the end?"

"No...I think there's more to it than that," Magnus said through gritted teeth. "Mmmph...and I intend to find way...or another."