Knowing: Origin [Trade]
Gradually she became aware of a pair of too-bright eyes back in that alley, glowing yellow-orange like sodium streetlights concentrated to two coin-sized spaces - just like some of the more lucid reports mentioned.
Diapers on the Mind
One might think her bright eyes were from her intelligence, but in reality she was the dumbest of them all; her bright eyes stemmed from the glaze that comes with utter retardation. "crawl on my lap." he said.
Legal Regal Strip #3
He looked at volt with his bright eyes. "can we pretend it ours?" volt gave a beaming and puzzled look. "you are in an unusually good mood. what giving?" regal laughed. "don't make fun of me," volt cried. regal couldn't help it.
Pondering the Horizon
His masked face staring back at him with the bright eyes that he saw every time he looked into a mirror. while trying to push it to the back of his mind, his stare finally took notice of all that nature had laid before him to see.
Midnight chase (Short Story)
As i did a wallrun on a wall and climbed to the highest roof, i sat in it and watched the panorama, but while looking a bit more carefully, i saw two bright eyes staring at me.
The Smell of Freedom: Chapter 1
Riley's bright eyes drifted to cody, her ears perked at him. "i said we'll get food when we get there." he pat her stomach with a pearly white paw, "you're stomach's been growling since this morning, ya know."
The Safeword is 'Papa' (ch.3)
bright eyes. thick orange fur that just... swallows you up... like a warm tide beneath a hawaiian sunset, making you feel safe and protected and at peace with yourself, and - my half-closed eyelids shot open.
Chapter 61: Enough
Lianh's bright eyes watched her fondly. "you're cute. i've spent so much time walking around bleeding out my chest . . . i . . ." he shook his head, "didn't even notice." lianh's eyes searched seleste, warm with desire.
I received his eyes now, slightly flicky ears and bright eyes looking at me, and his head was tilted, still very close to my shoulder as we shared eyes. "what do you mean?" he whispered.
Chapter 78: His Eyes Like Stars
He looked into those bright eyes like stars, and they smiled at each other. "then keme," wichahpi said, "learn to cherish every moment that you have her."
A new friend
He slowly bought his muzzle up to see lennex grinning at him, laughter in his bright eyes. "'re not mad?" he stammered and received a laugh in response.
The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Nineteen
eyed and awake.