Party to a Yiff!
Party to a Yiff The young stallion knocked loudly, and called politely through the screen door. "Can I come in." The big red bear, never looked up from what he was doing. He'd seen the young equine coming up his driveway, from...
Toyed with...
Toyed with... David was shocked when he saw the small dingy adult shop! This was a family mall after all; kids were playing not a hundred feet away. The young handsome fox boi had turned down the dimly lit side...
Chapter 1: Unexpected Discovery
Previous story is on hold (-\_-) so I'm gonna submit the next two chapters in hopes of success.. (epic failure awaits me i know it)..this one has semi have been warned yada yada there ...
Pay backs Bitch...
Pay back's bitch Kurrgurr rubbed his tingling crotch through his tight football pants. Sure now that something was wrong, his big furry loins felt hot and strange. At first he'd thought it was some bodies joke. Some muscle heat balm...
Hazin' A Coach Goat tale
Cameron muttered still sounding discontent, but wanting to fit into the team. slowly he pressed that greasy rubber ball against his tight anus... as the older jocks watched and snickered. "thats it... relax like yer takin' a dump..."
Coming Out
The raccoon slurred a bit and giggled as his paws patted the big equines hard athletic body. then when cam didn't protest, began to explore it more intimately... "ammmm."
Taking care of the boi's
Taken Care Of the Boi's Lilith could see he was lathered an panting as he fucked into her! She knew what was going to happen next, so braced herself for it by grabbing double hands full of his white mane! And curling her calves around his massive...
Family Practitioner
With her back arched, darla exploded in an orgasmic fit! her unfocused eye's rolled back, her body twisted and squirming like an impaled fish!
Teammates ...for Nudog
"Teammates" for Nudog by Tagenar Damian knocked on the door. He shifted his shoulder bag and looked around the suburban neighborhood. The sun was setting. Streetlights were just starting to switch on. There...
The Shower Heals
Her breasts protruded out a couple inches and fit easily in sarah's paws. they once were measured as 32b but that was a couple years ago. none of the guys were awe-struck by her body, and that was just fine with sarah.
Pete's Problem
He looked even more delicious than he did the first time, toned muscles rippling underneath his short fur, sculpted abs flexed slightly, powerful legs sprawled across the bed.
The Blast Felt 'Round the Universe Part 1
The suit had been custom made and should've fit her perfectly. but it didn't. why? she looked down and noticed that her normally small breasts seemed to loom out a bit more from the tight space between the two sides of the jacket opening.