The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Seven
#10 of the gray ranger: unforgiven adlis and za are safe, the red fangs are on the run, and --most importantly-- the twister has been discovered and imprisoned. now adlis just needs to figure out how to get home.
21 (DSV Nautica) Unforgiven
Lyn did the best she could to stumbled out into the airlock. It was hard to move. Everything felt tight, and she was getting light headed. She tried to shake it off, forming a shield around herself so she could begin spacewalking."
Times Of The Forlorn......
He yelled back, shooting the admin in his...everywhere with unforgiven bullets.
Christopher's Journey in Johto, Chapter 2
As the last few chords were played on 'the unforgiven', i closed my eyes to think. '_wow, i must really be good at battling to be in the top eight. now that i think about it, what would i do with the money if i happened to win?
The Trainer - Past - Chapter 01, Part I - Birds
Artemis and demetrius met on that kind of night in late autumn, lonely and unforgiven, both flying away from their own families. they found each other because they had chosen the same night to fly away, only that.
The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Thirty Four
#40 of the gray ranger: unforgiven discovered by a mysterious woman named kio, kulgan and his friends get the ultimate bombshell dropped on them: kulgan's a father!
The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Forty Eight
#54 of the gray ranger: unforgiven kulgan's execution is being held in front of everyone in embraus. can kio, adlis, and za rescue him before brother gestaul finishes the job?
The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Forty Five
#51 of the gray ranger: unforgiven brother gestaul finally has kulgan in his clutches, but why stop there? why not track down the person who means more to him than anyone else while he's at it?
The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Twenty One
#26 of the gray ranger: unforgiven the graylands. the cursed part of tassendile that embin locked away in an alternate dimension. the last place on haroz anyone in the right mind would want to be.
The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Four
#6 of the gray ranger: unforgiven adlis and za arrive at everdry hours after the attack took place, but the red fangs are still camped outside the town-- and they're more than happy to accept visitors! chapter four "miss adlis, wake up!"
The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter One
#3 of the gray ranger: unforgiven tassendile is a country where magic and firearms are used side by side, humans exist beside bizarre creatures, and the four moons grant people incredible powers.
#1 of forgotten and unforgiven the sun shone down warmly onto my black fur, warming it evenly as i lay on the beach with the sand acting as a sort of cushion beneath me.