The losing season

The losing season The big green team bus turn off the road and into a out of the way parking lot, slowly circling around to the entrance of a nondescript building. "What are we doing here coach?" A handsome young black stallion asked, as Coach Runsome...

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Tina's Story Chapter 63 The Scandal

Tina's Story Chapter 63 The Scandal Colleen dropped her emerald green dress to the floor. She then unfastened her gray lace bra, and slipped off her matching panties. Placing her clothes on a chair, she put on the examining...

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My neighbor's a werewolf

My neighbor's a werewolf By: Kirv goldblade (a.k.a. flood) My neighbour's a werewolf... well okay technically he's a "lycanform canid", but really who's going to remember that, he's a neo-Anthro. You see about 15 years ago this big alien...

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No Good Deed Chapter 4: Rude Awakenings

"Well in all my years I never..." My tail started wagging before I consciously recognized miz Rabuka's voice. I blushed a bit knowing what she must be seeing; Dr. Bernard was snoring softly behind me, one arm draped over my stomach as he was lying on...

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Bioshock, origins of a cyborg wolf, part 3

I growled at and yanked at my bindings but was unable to move the arm that would have been beneficial to this escape. The mercs working for the Doctor had placed some kind of inhibiting device on it, keeping me from being able to manipulate like...

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Teck Report: PACK

The P.A.C.K or Personal Attitude Control Kit. This is a small, mostly flat device smaller than a smartphone. The base unit rests and secures itself to the muzzle or snout via hundreds of tiny clamps or suction pads for scales. Designed to be hard to...

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Mission of Mercy

"Well, now that you explained those things to me, it doesn't really seem all that bad at all, really..." Julie smiled at me over her plate of Parmesian angel-hair pasta. I shrugged a bit. "We'll just have to see what this John Cassock has to say,...

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Dracius Origin XI

Artos continued to pet then frowned as he realized my lack of movement. "Dracius?" I shook myself. "No! No go!" Artos sighed. "Dracius, I have to. Father has ordered it." "No! Alone!" "You'll be fine, Dracius," Artos said soothingly, trying to calm...

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Guro Challenge #6: Surgery

Romsca, stripped to the fur, sat back on the table in the smoky, smelly apothecary's shop, and eyed the grog bottle in the paw of the bent old fox. "Gonna pass that over 'ere, mate?" "This? This is for me," said the crone, shaking it disapprovingly....

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An Interesting Job Offer

\*\*\*Warning: the following contains implied watersports and scat eating Here at Spring City track we are doing our part to protect the environment by installing new biological low water consumption toilets in our horse stalls. Our equine racers were...

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The Clinic

A generic black SUV pulled into a generic parking lot of a generic business center that could have been anywhere in the industrialized world. The SUV wasn't in the best condition, but it wasn't in horrible disrepair either. After a moment of anxious...

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The Ingram Clinic

**The Ingram Clinic** Dr. John Ingram M.D. PhD. arrived as usual at 8 AM sharp. And, as he had planned, the first major crisis had happened at about 7:43. A nurse came running up to him. "John!" he called. The orange tabby turned to...

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