
\>Your boots crunch in the underbrush as you make your trek off the beaten path. \>The surrounding forest buzzes with the waking nightlife as the day draws to a close. \>When you reach the far side of a large oblong clearing, you stop abruptly. The...

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The Tortoise and the Hare

"C'mon, old man! Put your money where your mouth is!" "...Old man? I'm only a decade older than you are." Nikita scoffed. "Yeah, that makes you an old man far's I'm concerned. Admit it, you can't keep up with young...

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Kinverse Short: Rookie Mistakes

Kinverse: Volume Three ROOKIE MISTAKES A short horror story by Moros, aka KinverseWriter Legal Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the...

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Monster power fantasy. Eat and become Stronger, Bigger, Dominant. Rain is a survivor who got the short end of the stick in life. Reborn as a terrifying and dangerous monster everything changes and he has the chance to truly _grow_. The serial is on...

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Jeremy: Chapter Twelve: Attrition

Well, you lot are just proving to be incredibly hard to please. That's okay, I like a challenge. As it is your silence made me change plans just a bit. Instead of two small chapters over the next two weeks I'll be cramming one large one down your...

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Jeremy: Chapter Ten, Look What Dragged The Cat Home

Whats with you lot, eh? Still not enough? You're really going to make my eyes bleed with your silent demands, you know that? Okay, enough with the sullen stares. I guess I'll just have to finally break down and give you what you want. Just don't blame...

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hidden dragon land 3

Tommy started drinking pee that was cotton candy pee from James foreskin penis. James loved tommy pee as it tasted like apples to him so he sucked it done until nothing came out anymore. Tommy drink james pee that tasted like cotton candy to him so...

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Junkies. © Tsumi Moogle '17 Characters Themselves. To see the Spire at night was actually quite the treat. The way its multiple-storeyed form towered into the sky, where clouds kissed and drifted about its somewhat rounded shape, the glittering...

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Limpid Pool

The size difference..." "awww, like i didn't already get that." one playful jab at his fuzzy cheek. "amazing how the universe works out, isn't it?" "... i guess?"

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The Jack and the Filly, Part 2

[Part 1) The Jack and the Filly: Friday](%5C) Part 2) The Jack and the Filly: Friday Night [Part 3) The Jack and the Filly: Saturday](%5C) [Part 4) The Jack and the Filly: Saturday Night](%5C) [Part5) The Jack and the Filly: Sunday (with...

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The Jack and the Filly, Part 5

[Part 1) The Jack and the Filly: Friday](%5C) [Part 2) The Jack and the Filly: Friday Night](%5C) [Part 3) The Jack and the Filly: Saturday](%5C) [Part 4) The Jack and the Filly: Saturday Night](%5C) Part5) The Jack and the Filly: Sunday (with...

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Out of Proportion

Johnny lowered his map as he gazed up at the little town with watery eyes. He has been traveling for days and he finally arrived at Capecoast town. It was the only town in this region that housed a daycare for his massive Wailord since the daycare runs...

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