
Rukai had always been unique. From his myriad of colors to his jovial personality, the furred dragon had never not stood out from the crowd. It was something that he prided himself on in a sense, but in another sense he disliked it about himself. There...

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Both chairs that the immense blue rump above them rested on groaned in protest. The tail which stuck out between them flopped lethargically from side to side as its owner gorged himself silly on a feast fit for twenty right in front of him. His grey...

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Video Star

"Kaoru! Stop screwing around with the set on this joke video we are taking super seriously!" Came out a sarcastic call from a chubby hyena. The grey cat which he was talking to just looked over his shoulder and smirked, his tail mischievously flicking...

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Northern Territories, Pt. 1

Gnashing teeth were all that the frigidly cold harehound could picture as he trudged on, his head down and his coat held up as high as he could on his face. Blood poured from a gaping wound on the left side of his torso, his free arm clutching to that...

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Strapped In

The blue eyes of the feline hybrid were the first things that came into view. They bounced up and down, almost smiling as they began to grow closer, and larger. The blue nose beneath them came into the light next, faintly glowing as it bobbed beneath...

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Middle of Nowhere

Kobo was hungry. The fat foxcoon had been on the road for hours without a meal, and that resulted in him being hungry enough to stop at one of the greasy diners he had sworn off years ago. The places always either made him sick, had horrible service,...

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The pair had met in a bar. It wasn't the best bar on the strip, but it had been decent enough that when they met, shared a few drinks, and talked for a while, neither felt uneasy. Numbers had been exchanged, a date had been set, and the two had parted...

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Balls Of Yarn

Cats never could resist the allure of a ball of yarn. Something about the stringy, soft, and moving properties which the little strands of thread possessed made it irresistible to them. More often than not they would use the things as a play toy of...

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Fake Fuzz

The blank stare of the bear looked back at him as it sat on his bed, soulless eyes staring him down without any intentions whatsoever. It didn't move, didn't breath, and didn't blink as those black eyes just looked at the wolf opposite it. The...

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New Tires

Sai sat in the waiting room of the tire shop just staring out into the window. He had been running errands for his boss, Sasuke, and that meant he had to drive one of the wolfdragon's cars. Sai was never terribly good at driving though, and thusly had...

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Lab Rat

Ark hated going to the doctor. The grey and white catox loathed needles, checkups, and everything about all of it. Even the doctors themselves he didn't like, as he nearly always got a gruff, grizzled doctor that roughly handled him. Ark just wanted to...

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Too Big To Fit

The arms of the couch complained and groaned as the immense bulk in between them shifted. Not quite taking up all three cushions, but coming close to it, the mass was nearly constantly in motion in some form or another. Whether it was wobbling,...

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