Chapter Two: The Different Flyers
Petrie fell, again, and landed in mud. "oh dear, another wipeout!" moaned pterano. "not to worry petrie boy, you will get it." said don. "me hope so." replied petrie, not so sure. petrie tried again.
Chapter One: Sydo and Agatha
#2 of the land before time xv: the sharp beak prince just the chapter one (i know, i had an opening but this is official chapter one in the table of contents) of my story. **chapter one: sydo and agatha** the two continued to meet.
An Enchanted Moment - Lion King Fan Fiction
In a true team effort, we disposed of my evil uncle scar and his devious intentions, restoring peace once again to pride lands.
Out of the Shadows, AnthroLover's Version - Nila's Story: Love Blossoms
Nila looked back at her with a smile "i'll find a away." as she said this, one butterfly flew near her, and she let it gently land in her hands.
The Village Board (Part 4)
Pitch black eyes finally landed on the commanding seat that sat raised over this ruined land. sitting upon it was a lovely doe gripped a spear in her right hand while her legs crossed.
Confrontation of the Lovers
The went like this for a few minutes when they finally arrived in a cave, so gorjak landed and signed to lily to follow him. she followed him in the cave and then they arrived n the great center.
They're large beasts to prowl the land, sea, and sky. their ability to breathe fire makes them almost invulnerable. their scales act like armor, impossible to penetrate with even the sharpest of claws.
Innocense Behind the Mask
"Spike? Spike where are you!" Ducky cried out as she patrolled the aftermath of the invasion. She grimaced as she stepped on a tiny dead body. She shuddered, and continued walking along. The Great Valley has been turned into a terrible nightmare of...
Second Meeting
Rex slumped against the side of the rocky structure in the middle of the valley. It was the meeting place. Rex moaned in pain and lifted his arm to himself. He slowly licked the gash that now snaked deep inside his arm. Pain seered all over his body....
Consoling and Missing
"Cera! Cera! Cera!" The threehorn slowly opened her eyes. She had dreamt that the whole ordeal was just a dream, that the little tinysaur was still alive. But as she saw Lizzie, another dinosaur she had grown especially attached to, was running...
The small rocks landed on top of something soft and green. but instantly, a foot was scratching it off. (author's note: i got really bored, so that explains how i have spike acting in this chapter. ; ) "man, messa hate the rock." mumbled a voice.
The Vents
Legal Stuff: Characters are (C) to Universal Studios. Not intetended for those under the age of 18, or those that treasure their childhoods. "How much longer do we have to go until we get to that surprise you told me about? We've been walking half a...