The Draconian Story: Chapter 9

Before seraphor was taken custody to hell house, seraphor was forced for two decisions after subduing her smaller body: to kill her for massacring seraphor's silver red pack in the act of revenge, or to let her live, giving her time to repent herself."

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Dragon's pride 16

At this rate we'll be crippled...wait a sec, that's seraphor! what the..." "seraphor and spyro were there?! what about cynder and avila?!" said bartoz.

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Chapter 6: Dragons Divided

You're a fortunate one seraphor fell for you and not killed by him. he's capable of that. but for shirdan, even though i knew cordandar was a vile dragon in his own rights...he was once a very good dragon."

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Black-Winged Angels Chapter 17: Subterfuge

I know you want to find seraphor, the famed silver red dragon from the west. don't worry. he's still alive, and you will be joining him soon. as prisoners, that is."

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The Draconian Story Prologue

You, and seraphor, together! hey, speak to me! you are not going to die, right?! hey!"

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The Journey of the Dark Crystal: Chapter 17

In her dream, she was watching the stars with seraphor, where the memory struck her.

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Prologue: A Recap to what has happened so Far

#1 of a dragon's final song so this is it, the prologue to the final story for seraphor, my first character, which, by any chance, is not original anymore, with so many crossovers.

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Black-Winged Angels Chapter 18: Us or Them

Avila wanted to help, but her concern right now was to seraphor and... something that suddenly came out of nowhere. was it electricity?

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Chapter 18: The Key of Betrayal

After they landed, they were greeted by avila and seraphor. both dragons saw rex's condition and said, "ancestors...he used his right eye again, huh?"

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Freedom Fire Chapter 7: Doing it the Right Way

His mind was set with food and sleep, but at the same time it conflicted with his concern over seraphor.

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dragon's pride 10

As xiciro walked to meet seraphor, he had second thoughts. what if seraphor did remember him and he made a new enemy?

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The Draconian Story: Chapter 4

"hey, seraphor. it's nice to see you again, huh? how night with avila?"

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