Inebriated reminiscences.

"except... it's true, what they say about bats. total oral fixation type." "oh?" vixen ears perked. "i heard that... giving, or...?" "oh, getting sucked any time he could." she took a long sip.

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Forbidden Love Part 2

Where i come from, bat morphs are regarded as freaks cause of our wings, so i felt a real connection with you." she said, suddenly looking sad. i looked at her for a while then wrapped my arms around her. she snuggled up to me.

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Forbidden Love

I also had my friend gina, a very lovely bat morph who i had met a year ago, back in 10th grade.

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In the Pale Moonlight

With a blue bat, larger than her. they scudded, scuffled a bit before coming to a stop, having torn up the grass. the dirt. the blue bat shoved her down. pinned her. it was ereth. his fangs showing.

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Ebb and Flow

Even a bat. she picked up the bat, hugged it to her chest, and then held it away to look at it. she squinted. "we don't look like this," she whispered. pause. "at least they got the wings right. mostly." but, then, bats were reclusive.

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The High-Blue Chill

"a bat," he breathed. a silent awe. bats were mysterious, alluring creatures. rare. they lived in cities in the sky. and they didn't come down. ever. some even claimed they were a myth, but ... this was a bat. and a female one, too.

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The Sound of Neon

Take it from a were-bat. there's nothing in the world, nothing at all, like the sound of neon. there's deep woodwind neon, blaring out a contrabassoon note that never stops until you cut the power.

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Gone Batty: A Second Taste

The bat stepped gingerly as he made it to his apartment, ears perked for any minute noises inside. he put the key in the lock just as the door swung open suddenly. another bat, this one a vampire, leapt out and embraced the bigger fruit bat.

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A Touch in the Tub

The bat nearly stuttered as she gulped nervously. "well, because it's fun." the sheep had the bat in a firm hold, almost like the bat would have done with her pillow had it been currently with her.

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Sixes Wild: Hare Trigger

I'm not one to get all namby-pamby over some blowhard beefer, but this pretty little fruit bat is just so sweet. his gun is digging under my ribs, so i slip my paw under his wings to undo the belt.

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Unnatural Selection - Ch 8: The Final Four

Saira stepped against him and wrapped her arms around the stiff bat. but ansin's back was the only thing that was getting stiff, and he pushed her away.

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Those eyelashes seemed to bat at him a little too often to be coincidence but it might have been his overactive imagination. surely that. and then, coming up behind him, kyle became aware of a presence entering the room.

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