From The Desk of Daniel Ross: Romance

Suffice to say that in the end, breakfast was ruined, and neither of us was particularly unhappy with that. ha-ha, i just made a funny. thomas says we don't do that inside.

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MATURE: Diamond and Pearl Adventure! (Pokemon x Human) Chapter One

Barry looked unhappy, as he had brought some of his poke balls to catch 'his' red gyarados.that was when things started getting sexy. i looked over at him, and smiled seductively. barry groaned, "agh!

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Tragic Life Part Two

He sat for just over four minutes before looking to the closed drapes and unlit room and realizing he was unhappy. he had reservations for seven so he had some time.

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Jake in the dark: Prologue

With love -an unhappy perro when i was 12... me and i father were crossing the road in my grandfather's ol' van, he usually is a bit cruel and " dominant " with ferals, but this time...

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The last of both – Unconsciousness

Now i had 5 unhappy wolves with their weapons surrounding me and 3 very unhappy wolves getting up off the group where i had put them. the only thought that went through my mind was "oh, shit someone is going to get hurt" as they moved around slowly,

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Chapter 58: Between a Rock and Hard Cock

Beside him, shakir looked unhappy. motsumi didn't seem inclined to say why either. he started ladling out bowls and everyone gathered around for their share. ettoras saw azrian take a spoon from her boot and sit down to eat.

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Chapter 47: Love Slap

And he looked so tired and unhappy when he said it, she decided never to bother him with it again.

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Chapter 30: The Hidden Place

Asres was unhappy to notice a light rain had started. he pulled up his hood, and the other two did likewise. the rain came a little harder in response, pushing up steam from the fire.

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SWAT Kats: Joining a Pride, Ch 15

An uneasy murmur swept around the room as the pride noted the angry stance of feral and unhappy look on ten's face. the obvious discord between the pair made them concerned.

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Fate, Desteny or strange luck (Episode 6 of 8. Time to say Goodbye)

Zoran and rosy were a bit unhappy because they had hoped to do something for him on their last day together, but ash had decided to give his pokemon a shot at paul.

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Chapter Fourteen

Kyle looked unhappy. "the boss wants you in his office. he has a reputation for trying to do obscene things to his workers, so i would watch out if i were you. i think he even raped someone a couple of years ago."

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You Wear the Skirts

I don't want you to be unhappy, but i don't want mommy to be unhappy either." "i know, kiddo. we're going to work on it. mommy has a lot of pride, and i just hurt her pride a lot.

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