Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 68

Banno screamed, lurching along on his crippled stump.

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Logging In (Redux)

In spite of his crippled state, the samurai charged forth, shrugging off his pain as he swung at the figures. his foolish decision was rewarded with a heavy swing to the face, sending him flying backwards and knocking off a fifth of his hp.

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Raging Tiger, Chapter 4 - Unwelcome Revelations

Royce still had no idea how the crippled lion had managed that. killian laughed out loud. "you know, for some reason, i had expected you to have at least figured that much out.

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Ship wrecked chaper 1 salty tears

The waves crashed onto the beach each wave brought more and more debris from a long abondend ship crippled in the middle of the pacific ocean in a part known as the dark zone .

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Exit Music...

He'd been nothing but a gentleman to her; always took her opinions on board; always stopped when she said no... but all that left him in the end was a broken heart; crippling emotional instability; an empty bank account and broken dreams.

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Loman's Journey Part 2

Wasn't safe for a crippled bat to be on his own." she flinched at the word crippled. she clearly found it harsh. it was almost all loman described himself as. "what happened to your colony?" "vanished. up and left when the rothor took over.

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Sunset: Chapter 2

That one over there with the crippled leg is grunt, the other is smooths. sorry for scaring you." she looked about, a bit nervous still but found herself intrigued by these creatures.

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Mewthree's Christmas Carol - Food

"i was born a cripple," he cried, "lacking the ability to fly," "if i were to leave town and meet a ground-type, i would surely die!"

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The Flame to my Soul

While rubbing my eyes, i felt something press on my other paw and a familiar, crippling headache tore though my head. the sudden vision that followed was even worse. the whole area was violently shaking violently.

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Lace "Razer" Faykin

She did odd jobs around the ship at first , later on her knack for unconventional electronic and computer applications came in handy , from hacking the occasional lock or creative alterations to the port authority's files to restoring the gull's crippled main

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Lines crossing over her brow, deep furrows of crippling regret spread over her troubled face. if this is a monster, then why make her astounding in beauty? why is she not gnarled and unholy in appearance, like the fabled demons of old?

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Clown Mare 9-2

Old paper like it was crippled. "i never thought this case was so violent it was never to be seen to exist. therefore it was not my intention to read an old case a few years back.