BANE - A Short Story
**BANE** Maybe it was a mistake, coming here. The promise of riches was simply too good not to chance a short trip into the depths of this place. Maybe just the first chamber....maybe two. Maybe one step too far. Torchlight is an odd...
Trouble Brewing
"damned monsters took'er," crake said, his ears twitching. junga's ears laid back against his head, and his legs wobbled. _not her. anything but that._ "monsters? who? tell me! is she alright?!"
A monster. like if anyone would believe him. -"are you taking your pills?" the coyote asked. the fox looked away. he didn't need them. he knew it was real, and he would be safe as long as he stayed in a dry space.
Seize the Moment
From where she was hanging arctic saw the bulk of the plant appear and horror set in as she realized she wasn't a plaything, she was this monsters next meal.
Sacred Chapter 6: Welcome to the Jungle
Roy declared confidently, pointing his sword at the full formed monster. and with that declaration, his final test began. the beast was quick to summon more of the same vines roy had become accustomed to over the course of his time here.
a skin-walker for a sex slave pt 2
Many things... like those monsters outside, men or i guess some of them where... animal skins and other things sewn on or other wise...
Stalker's Nostalgia
Just arrived from work. Boring job, stressful and tiring.Enough with chores, time to furry internets!I browse some pages,check friends I'm watching.See what they faved, what they said.And find an old drawing from years prior, a couple getting...
Points of View - Second Person.txt
Life... Hard, unforgiving, painful life... Day in and day out, in a giant bowl of flying sand, digging every plot of solid dirt in search for water tables, filled with dusty liquid... And nothing to eat for months... I would've give up of...
Points of View - First Person.txt
Many a people call a day as "good" when they have their job done without any problems, a filling, tasteful meal, some happy moments... If I have to call a day "good", then the conditions stretch out far more than that. But right now... Imagine...
Red Chocobo Feathers.txt
The sun rose, spreading its golden luster on the fields of Ivalice. A new day had begun. Since the end of the Clan Wars, every day had begun peacefully, with people waking simply to live happily. Some clans still sparred under the laws of the judges,...
Love through frenzy and virus.
The stamina of the dark-scaled monster was incredible.
The Monster Part #1
It was not a good idea to build a kind of monster in a small city. she wished she had started this project before, but it was hard when her time was always flied with studies.