3- Outburst

Chanted a dragon in the middle of warfang, "vote dick jim for warfang representative!" "oh my god he is hung!" squealed cynder. mera looked at her, unable to respond. her only thought was; i'm gonna kill rift.

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After the war: A rough journey

We need to get back to warfang" spyro asked, there was a small sigh from cynder and she replied in a sad tone "spyro... i'm scared, they hate me... what if they attack me?"

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The Legend of Spyro: Return of the Dark Master 6dragon

One moment he was in warfang, the next; here. he feared that if he were to walk off the greyish stone where he stood upon, that he would fall in a never ended eclipse. _welcome brandon.

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The Legend of Spyro: The Return of the Dark Master

The moles with the help of the dragon of warfang worked almost around the clock to fix the towers and buildings caused by the golem summoned by malefor before the call of the destroyer.

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TLoS: The fall of the dragon of legend (Chapter 7)

If i had been outside i would probably had frozen an area as big as warfang...if not bigger.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 21

His interruption drew the attention of the force ruling warfang, too much of it as it turned out.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 16

I didn't know warfang has dungeons, i also didn't knew that they connect with volteer's library" "they don't" flare stopped, cocking his head. "they don't? so why are you taking me here if volteer called me?"

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book I Chapter 16

With that he focused on cynder once more " brill is a zealot, he worships us, he was almost became the head of warfang's temple.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IV Chapter 6

It is clear how much the city and its people matter to you" "warfang grows on you, in time this city will be constantly on your lips" "i certainly hope so" \* warfang's gates were opened, as they arrived caravans were leaving the city through the main

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book III Chapter 4

The dragon observed the darkening sky above warfang, the once azure sky was now painted with an orange hue of the fading sun.

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The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 25

It was smaller than warfang, but it still held some structures that could even rival to those proud buildings in warfang in their majestic and splendor. this city had still a lot to offer.

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