He Walks As My Shadow 2 - Normal Yet Abnormal
At this point, James was getting tired of reawakening within strange new places, finding it to be rather taxing upon his mind. Especially when it happened three times in one night. As his eyes flickered open, he noted that he was on a bed. A mattress,...
Demon's Trick (M/M)
The war was over, at least officially in the Makai Realm. The great imbroglio that followed the reign of the White King was brief in the history of demons, but an eternity for mortals in the neighbouring world of humans. The great fires...
He Walks As My Shadow 1 - That Which Stalks The Darkness
**THE CHRONICLES OF FINALGAMER He Walks As My Shadow** _"The body is but a vessel for the soul, a puppet which bends to the soul's tyranny." A.J. Durai, Vagrant Story_ A dark night greeted him upon his awakening arrival. For one single...
He Walks As My Shadow 9 - The Scissoraptor
Jon Talbain and Felicia stepped back hastily as James panicked slightly, the magical bonds resembling that of a harness as his limbs were kept both extended and restrained. He almost resembled some sort of anatomical chart the way his arms and legs...
He Walks As My Shadow 8 - The Dark Tower
The next time FG would awaken, he found himself within a pleasant little orchard off the beaten path. Jon and Felicia watched over him, one worried with the eyes of a big sister, the other stern and mostly indifferent. The raptor felt a stiffness in...
A God Of Destruction Conquers A Demon Realm
Firebrand had woken up, but he wondered when he had exactly fallen asleep or decided to rest as he realized that he wasn't exactly laying down on the ground. He was being carried away by someone, and he knew all too well by the color and...
Crash and Verona: Coco's Inside Story
'n goblins / ghouls 'n ghosts during his lifetime.