, but i didn't read it since i was too distracted by being in daren-induced horni jail, so i just responded with a random string of iphone autofill word suggestions:
_okay party time i'm scoring a touchdown in gucci sweatpants it totally slaps boots_
A mix of the Hokey Pokey and fortnite dance, Bury the feral weasel, Comedy, DIY moonshine, Dicked down on aisle 7, Embarrassing parents, Gay, Gay Relationships, Gucci sweatpants, Highschool, I don't want to see any fucking H&M, M/M, Mad libs only stupider, Not on this Christian Minecraft server, Panther, Paranoid eavesdropping no jutsu, Plot Development, Polar Bear, Rearview pillows, Romantic comedy, Rottweiler, Story Progression, Story Series, Tokyolo drift, Vin Petrol and Dwayne the Boulder Jonson, Why i cant have nice things