An Unknown Friend

Hi! I'm Jeff! That orangey red wox with the jeans and head bandage. I'm on holiday! Or, well, I'm following one of my friends who's in Germany. I was following Swift, the adorable arctic fox. He was sitting on a park bench, by the looks of it drawing....

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Alone on an island Chapter 4

Chapter 4 As I woke up, I rubbed my green baby fox eyes and looked around but couldn't find Sable anywhere, I began to whimper, "Sabwe, Sabwe, SABWE!!!!" I began to cry. Sable comes crawling fast to me from around the tree, "don't cwy sista whats...

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The Unseen

The Unseen We are the ones you take for granted. We are the ones who you complain too. We are the ones who listen to your woes. We are the ones you cry to when life gets you down. We are the ones who stand strong when others are weak. We are...

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Go Tell Fire [Chapter 1]

"Don't hurt her. She isn't dangerous. She's naked. Like a newborn child." I woke up very slowly from some sort of coma or sleep. For all I know it could have been death itself I woke up from. I indeed felt like a newborn child. Naked, confused, angry....

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Guardian Angel (Freebie, 1K Words)

Mikal had never cared much for art until he was assigned to William. The emerald-haired human had turned this guardian angel's heart into a canvas, and everything he did left behind a stroke of love. He watched over each of the human's reincarnations...

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(CYOA) Stay

'Hmm, let's stay here. I feel save here.'| Tobin noods and locked the front door. He smiles to Tobias.| 'So, now we're save. Should we clean up a bit, so we can sleep?'| The two starts to clean the cabin, to make room for there sleeping bags. Tobin...

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Cyber Born Chapter 1"Birth"

Cyber Born Chapter 1 "Birth" What is it about people that drive them to create the most dangerous of machines? Is it lust for power or merely for the money that they get for developing there creations? On the island of Okinawa there...

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"Mister Orr?" the phone's intercom said. "Yes, Alice?" Damian said, continuing to type, he was writing a contract for the humanitarian work one of his companies was being ask to do by the Iranian government. He wanted to make sure it was worded...

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The sound of clinking metal roused Acerva from what had been a most blissful slumber, with dreams of terrified humans running and screaming and giving her heaps and heaps of treasure, and she reluctantly pried open one vast blue eye to find her kobolds...

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Every strand of fur stood on end, as I padded carefully along the cold, hard ground, avoiding any possible threat to my safety. The frigid mountains were no place for a young kitsune like me. I was a red fox, born in the forest. Unfortunately, I had...

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[Just a bit of practice, I havent posted anything in a huge long while so I thought I will. Enjoy the short read and feel free to cretique as you feel.] On the dark suburban street, there was a house. This house looked almost the same to any...

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Took a break during a paper for some food and this popped into my head. I don't put much stock into free verse poetry, so anything I make may be a bit choppy from either a lack of time or a lack of effort on word choice, but will always fall into some...