- Parece que a chuva parou - disse Sérica.
Os filhotes saíram da caverna. Era manhã.
- Nossa, que bom - falou Guino. - Afinal, não podia chover pra sempre.
Bolico foi o último a sair; ele tinha uma forte tendência a dormir demais.
- Alguém precisa...
Chubby, Cubs / Young Characters, Felines, Informality, Male, Males, Mammals, Roleplay Perspective - Third Person, Scenes - Tribal, Small cocks, Story Driven, Watersports
Max e nós, filhotes, estão esperando
ser chamados à sala do professor de música.
- Lembrou de ir ao banheiro, Yure?
- perguntou Max.
- Sim - falei; lembrei, mas eu não
tinha ido e estava apertado.
- Ele tem cara de quem está
mentindo.... - falou...
Babyfur, Canines, Cubs / Young Characters, Diapers, Felines, Females, Males, Predator species, Roleplay Perspective - Third Person, Roleplay perspective - first person, Teasing, exotic species
"O que
aconteceu?", perguntou Max. "Esta música é tão bonitinha!",
gritei, chorando alto. "E o que tem isso?", perguntou Apple.
"Acho que ele é sensível....", respondeu Care, com ar de riso.
"Eu não posso evitar, é mais forte que eu!", gritei,...
Babyfur, Bathroom control, Canines, Diapers, Felines, Humor/Comedy, Mammals, Multiple characters, Predator species, Prey Species, Roleplay Perspective - Third Person, Roleplay perspective - first person, Ursines, Vulpines, exotic species
Yure purrs and snuggles up to Renris. Renris smiles and nuzzles up against Yure. Yure noses Renris cheek. Renris squeezes Yure gently, tail wrapping around is.
- Ren? Shock me on the belly? Just lightly... - asked Yure.
Renris blinks and nods,...
Babyfur, Chubby, Consensual, Cubs / Young Characters, Diapers, Felines, Human cocks, M/M, Males, Mammals, Predator species, Roleplay Perspective - Third Person, Sex driven, Teasing, Uncut cocks, Watersports, infantilism, unusual semen
perspective - third person
sex driven
sex toys
sexual exhaustion
sexual frustration
sexual pain
sheath play
story driven
strip tease
swallowing semen
tail pulling
uncut cocks
Fox, Fursona, Male
Yure and Axel were there, laying
under the ceiling of the tree house. Yure was a blue fat cat, with an
absurdly long tail and a mane around his neck. Axel was a regular
tiger. Both were cubs. There wasn't a lot to do and both felines were
bored. It...
Bathroom control, Chubby, Consensual, Cubs / Young Characters, Diapers, Felines, Fighting/wrestling, Large tails, M/M, Males, Mammals, Predator species, Roleplay Perspective - Third Person, Scenes - Tribal, Sex driven, Small cocks, Strip tease, Sweat, Younger partners
Estavam ali Yure e Axel,
deitados sob o teto da casa da árvore. Yure é um gato azul gordo,
com uma cauda absurdamente longa e uma juba ao redor do pescoço.
Axel é um tigre regular. Os dois são filhotes. Não havia muito o
que fazer e ambos os felinos...
Bathroom control, Chubby, Consensual, Cubs / Young Characters, Diapers, Felines, Fighting/wrestling, Large tails, M/M, Males, Mammals, Predator species, Roleplay Perspective - Third Person, Scenes - Tribal, Sex driven, Small cocks, Strip tease, Sweat, Younger partners
# Flasky.
## Monday, November 19th, 2012, 19:38:26.
- Hi, Flasky - says Yure, entering his friend's house.
- Hello - Flasky replies cheerfully.
- How are you?
- I'm fine, thanks, you?
- I'm fine as well - Yure sat on the floor and his diaper...
Ageplay, Ass Worship, Babyfur, Crotch Sniffing, Cub, Cubs / Young Characters, Diapers, Frotting, Handjobs/fingerjobs, M/M, Males, Masturbation, Orgasm control/denial, Roleplay Perspective - Third Person, Sheath play, Teasing, Underwear, Watersports, animal anatomy, begging, sheaths, wetting
O trio voltava
para a casa na árvore, onde eu moro. No caminho, Apple subiu nas
costas de Max. A barriga dela doía muito mesmo e ela já não mais
queria se segurar. Max, por outro lado, estava sentindo-se
morbidamente tentado a urinar nas árvores da...
Bathroom control, Canines, Cubs / Young Characters, Felines, Females, Males, Mammals, Multiple characters, Nonsexual Roleplay, Predator species, Public/Exhibitionism, Roleplay Perspective - Third Person, Roleplay perspective - first person, Size differences (1-3 feet), Story Driven, exotic species, soiling
Flasky, Sun Dec 16 2012 20:29:27 GMT-0300 (BRT)
Yure pets Flasky's head. Flasky nuzzles against the kitty's belly and purrs.
- So, Flasky, still using those same undies? - asked Yure. - You never change them?
- Right, I'm still wearing the same...
Ageplay, Ass Worship, Canines, Consensual, Cubs / Young Characters, Excessive precum, Felines, Frotting, Handjobs/fingerjobs, Human cocks, Informality, M/M, Males, Mammals, Masturbation, Orgasm control/denial, Roleplay, Roleplay Perspective - Third Person, Sex driven, Teasing, Underwear, Watersports, swallowing semen, wetting
I check Leo's diaper.
- Wet? Maybe messy?
Little Leo blushes hotly along his muzzle, the kitten's diaper sagging gently between his legs, quite a messy and wet state.
- Aw... - I coo. - Little baby has to change his diaper! Common, cootie, lay...
Babyfur, Babysitter, Cat, Consensual, Diapers, Felines, Handjobs/fingerjobs, Humiliation, Lion, Male, Males, Mammals, Master/Slave, Masturbation, Orgasm control/denial, Parent and child, Pleasure control/denial, Predator species, Roleplay Perspective - Third Person, Roleplay perspective - first person, Scat, Sexual Pain, Teasing, infantilism, sexual frustration
Log: Darcin, Sat Dec 13 2014 02:41:22 GMT+0000 (UTC)
offers a place on the couch for Darcin to sit.
sits his wide rear on the couch.
lays his head on Darcin's lap, admiring the navel. Yure sticks a
finger inside and can't feel...
Ageplay, Babyfur, Bathroom control, Canines, Chubby, Consensual, Cubs / Young Characters, Diapers, Felines, Human cocks, Hyper balls, Males, Mammals, Predator species, Roleplay Perspective - Third Person, Sex driven, Size differences (1-3 feet), Small cocks, Vulpines, Watersports, Younger partners, excessive semen, hotdogging, infantilism, large balls