The Days After
The Days After Written by Hammarbomber on It had been unexpected. Unpredicted, even. A second Great Depression, and no Third World War to bring about wealth. I had been born a good score -a score chronologically speaking is...
Kate and Nia
Kate picked out a fancy dress she liked, and nia found a very suggestive outfit. when she asked kate how it looked, kate almost slipped up, but she caught herself before she said it.
Testing New Horizons
Underneath, a poster showed a tiger lying in a suggestive pose, in an even more suggestive outfit. occasionally someone would emerge from the shadows, looking for the entrance to the premises.
The Secret - Part 4
Will other people be in such sexually suggestive costumes?" karl asked. "some will," melanie insisted. "and honestly, some will only be revealing the sort of stuff they only wear in the bedroom, for their intimate friends.
Tasting Shadows
That made them perfect for utterly shrouding the doe in that leathery embrace, letting her feel their sleek surface stroking along the bare fur exposed by the deer's admittedly suggestive outfit.
Murry Yiffmas!
This, in addition to pure modesty, was more than enough reason for me to add a bra to angie's suggested outfit, even if i was at risk of losing it before the day was over.