
# Inga Outside, the bestial winds howled at the night's grim expanse. They whistled their fury with bee-like twists and changes in direction. The winds were armed with diamonds of snow, weapons that sparkled white against the grey world. ...

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_Sex will be occuring, but not in the first few 'episodes'. If you have any suggestions as to how I can improve my writing please don't hesitate to leave a comment._ # Chosen As the wretchedly cold winds whipped about the clearing, the...

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_This is my first story, so I would really appreciate feedback. There will be yiff, but not in the first couple of chapters. All characters are human unless otherwise specified._ **Memories** The cold moon gazed lidless...

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The Stranger

_This is my first story so I would really appreciate feedback and comments. Yiff will be appearing, but not in the first few chapters. Unless stated otherwise all characters are human._ **The Stranger** The stranger's presence was...

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