Bedside Manner

_Hey there everybody! I know I don't upload a lot, but I'm hoping to improve my record in this coming year. Until then, I hope you enjoy a new little thing I came up with. Hope you have a good read!_ * * * "Hey, Nathan, how's it coming?" My sore...

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Recovery, Step Four

_Hello everyone! I hope you were looking forward to this, even just a little bit. I meant to get this up before June ended, but I was never good at deadlines. I'm very sorry this took so long if you were waiting for this, but I dare not be so arrogant...

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Together at Last

_This is a Christmas Present for my wonderful and handsome boyfriend, Lance25. Merry Christmas! Apart though we may be, we'll be together soon. And this is how it might look. Enjoy!_ * * * I stared out my hotel room window at the blinking...

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Recovery, Step Two

_So, due to the overwhelmingly positive response, I'll be continuing...a few weeks after the fact. Whoops. Sorry, I write at a snail's pace, that's the first thing you need to know about me. Just warning you that this chapter... is not as good as the...

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Recovery, Step Three

_So \*ahem\* college has been an absolute soul-killer. Fortunately, I've run into a shaman and he has restored my writing spirit to me to produce this (hopefully good) chapter. If you were waiting for this, I appreciate your patience. If you haven't,...

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Recovery, Step One

_Hey there. So, this is my first post on... any furry site, really. And in terms of writing, I'm still quite inexperienced so any and all criticisms are appreciated and valued. I'd like to get better as fast as possible._ _This is a clean hurt/comfort...

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