Acceptable Hazard Chapter 3

CHAPTER 3 Blood trickling from his muzzle, Colin scrambled up from his seat as the grating sound of machinery outside became louder; the reverberation causing the entire cabin to shake. The compartment itself, lined with wide windows on both sides,...

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Acceptable Hazard: Chapter 2

CHAPTER 2 It was still dark in the district when Paul boarded the Route 3 sky rail, the air filter of the compartment kicking in immediately once the door clicked shut. Between how far he went with Colin and his upcoming practical exam, his nerves...

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Acceptable Hazard: Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Colin woke with a start. Cold sweat running down his muzzle and matting his fur, he temporarily forgot where he was. In that moment of blank panic his breath stilled as the reality of the waking world rushed in. As his eyes began to...

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