Sex Portals! For Science! Part III
Suddenly, several panels in the floor opened up, and before I could move, robotic arms appeared and clamped onto my arms and legs. I wasn't too worried, I knew this was probably part of the procedure, but I was now unsure of exactly what that procedure...
Sex Portals! For Science! Part II
After a few minutes of playing with the lucario, I decided to give her a break. I slid my cock out of her warm pussy, my cum dripping gently out of her opening, and she lay back on the ground, panting as she took time to recover, her fluffy tail...
Sex Portals! For Science! Part I
I walked into the testing room, excited for the role I was about to play. Kalos scientists, myself included, had reasoned that pokemon all belonged to the same species; their ability to interbreed and produce viable offspring within what we would call...
Mega Evolution XXX Part III
WARNING: Extreme content, please view at your own discretion! The third part in my erotic series, with elements of Pokemon transformation, sex, cum inflation, pregnancy, and more! I held my mate's legs as she continued to glow, and I squinted as I...
Mega Evolution XXX Part II
Kateri panted hard from the intense series of orgasms I had just put her through, holding on to my arms; I could tell she was feeling worn out. But then Kateri gasped as her skin suddenly began to change color, shifting from light tan to a familiar...
Mega Evolution XXX Part I
Through my travels in the Kalos region, as a Pokemon scientist and Pokemon breeder, I had recently discovered an unusual potion shop, which carried elixirs and tonics that enabled a person to temporarily undergo transformations into various Pokemon,...