Sister's Hot Shower
It all started when Tassy and Roric's parents went on vacation, really. They had decided they needed a break, and so they headed off for a long weekend of relaxation and left twelve-year-old Tassy in the care of her older brother Roric, then fifteen. ...
Dorm Heat
I could smell it when I woke up this morning. The girls are just down the hall, after all. And the bathroom in the middle is shared, too. My cock was hard before I was even conscious enough to notice it, and my fingers stroked lazily as I drifted...
Big Brother - First Date
In the morning, Eric woke up quite alone. The teenage ocelot yawned as his ceiling came into focus; he'd had a restless night, and he let out a soft sigh as he remembered why. He'd fought with his sister, last night; she'd been angry because of...
Big Brother - Lonely Night
Eric grouchily flopped back against the couch after tossing the pizza onto the table. Everything had gone wrong, tonight; he'd fought with his sister, she'd stormed off... and the movie was total crap, he added to himself, turning it off. He couldn't...
Big Brother - Movie Night
Eric returned home with his sister in the midst of the whirlwind of their parents' preparations to head out for the evening. Slipping into the living room, the teen pulled out the movie they'd gotten earlier. He briefly considered putting it on,...
Big Brother - Show and Tell
Once they were a few blocks away from the video rental place - and their near-miss with being caught there - Eric and Sara began relaxing. The teenage ocelot put his arm around his little sister's middle, and she smiled up to him softly. Pausing...
Big Brother - Mornings and Movies
Eric stared into his drawers, pondering what to wear on a bright Saturday morning. This one was brighter than many for the teenaged ocelot; he'd just come from a shower with his little sister, and another chance to play with her. He didn't know why he...
Condoms, Rose. Condoms!
Some bulk mail appeared in my mailbox this morning. The subject line read: "Condoms, Rose. Condoms!" The voice of the internet has spoken. \* \* \* It was February 13th, and Rose stared unhappily across her bedroom. The teenage wolf had...
Backup Plan
Gen drifted back from yet another circuit of the bar, and sighed. Marin gave the jaguar an inquisitive tilt of his head from where he stood on the edge of the dancefloor, but Gen just shook his head to the pine marten, coming up to stand beside him. ...
Big Brother - Stormy Night
Eric awoke to the crash of thunder from a summer storm, a particularly loud crack nearby bringing the ocelot to muzzy consciousness. Yawning as he glanced around his room, he noticed a feline shape in the doorway that quickly revealed itself as his...
Life Drawing
Brandon knocked on the door of the classroom nervously, the nineteen year old fossa feeling a bit out of place here in the arts building. But he needed the money, and it couldn't be too bad - right? The door opened, and a rabbit with a vaguely...
Long Day, Hard Night
Marin padded softly into the dim bar, glancing around. There were a number of people around, some regulars like the marten himself, others more infrequent visitors - or fresh meat, as he liked to think of them. For now, though, he was looking for...