Chapter 2: A Dark Beginning

Chapter 2, sooooo soon? Yes, it is. Thx Tim for the idea XiLluminum, Aeris and Aeon (my twin blades) are property of XiLluminum (me) If you want to cooperate with the story and appear in it, YIM me, my Yahoo ID is XiLluminum. NOTE:...


Chapter 1: The Coming

This the first chapter of my story series at Yiffstar, so If I need to improve something, please, let me know. Thx Tim for your help creating this chapter. Hana, Tim and the Kingdom of Lore, are copyright of Tim ©. Aelina and XiLluminum, are...


In Love with a Gryphon - Chapter 4: “The Unspeakable” (Part 2)

Thank you for pointing out my mistakes!!! I've had hard times, but here I am again, in a new adventure. XiLluminum, Aeon and Aeris, Aliza (gryphon hatchling), Lord Drakken are copyright of XiLluminum (me)©. Diamond is property of Tim © Kage is...

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In Love with a Gryphon - Chapter 4: The Unspeakable (Part 1)

No minors allowed. Go away! Special thanks to: shadowmoon, for suggesting me this incredible idea. Special thanks to: Tim, for baptizing the torturing machine as MaXXX Machine. Diamond is property of Tim © XiLluminum, Aeon and Aeris,...

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Chapter 3: Baby-sitting

Finally a new chapter of this cool story series. Geez, this job as a science teacher sucks my time as Diamond does in this chapter! Minors, stay away, or go here: XiLluminum is copyright of XiLluminum (me) © Hana, Tim...

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