A lost soul

Rain water poured through the gaping hole in the roof of the warehouse, jagged spikes of twisted girders from a long ago shelling. The moonlight shone through it and illuminated the blackened concrete and rubble of the interior. Hard to say what...

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The Truth About Dragons and Unicorns

Johara loved the feeling of the evening sunlight on her skin, even now with the terrible thoughts which were running though her mind she enjoyed it against her dusky skin, the feeling of warmth along her back where the light trickled in from the...

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The Temple of Ishtar

Erika ran her claws through the fur on the back of her neck, the desert was no place for this uniform but Dr Althiem had insisted that during the visit to Iraq she where to wear the full dress uniform of the Ahnenerbe SS, thick black wool more...

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One Night in Rome

The sweet smell of the spring blossom from the flower garden did nothing for the stench of rot that pervaded the house, it was ever present in the Cardinals country villa. Every time she had attended him here had been present and even his very body...

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A short hard vore story

As soon as the gargoyle had his maw between her legs, he knew that one taste would not be enough. The wolves spicy flavour slipped over his tongue as he lapped at her, sparking a more primal hunger he knew sex would not sate. His large claws...

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A Gargoyles Prey

The stillness of the city was oppressive, the kind of silence that screams at the senses with its oblivion. Even the animals were silent, the kind of hush that comes over a jungle then a predator is on the hunt. Of course that was exactly what...

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